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Saturday, August 26, 2023

War as on date is different dimensions and dynamics

 This war is an awakening call for various issues beyond and besides mere territorial atavistic invasion to grab some real estate space ( which incidentally Russia has enough) or to impose any fanatic religious, cultural and linguistic homogeneity to hack or to hamper existing status quo ( again Russia as a nation has not actively and vociferously promoted or foisted any religion, culture and language, even as per anti-Russian academic materials​).  

So, everyone must understand that the trade offs ​of war now are totally different and those who care to study in detail almost on a daily basis , if not on an hourly basis ( without letting ideology based narratives) the following will know better i.e. those who have the geographical atlas with all its natural geological features and functional monetization of those features, certain historical facts ( as gleaned from regional realities not the one peddled by Distorians), global economic activities at present and those that have futuristic demands and the logistics required for those activities. 

Perhaps, the partial success as on date of this war is that it has provided counter narratives where people could see and add n+n =to know the lies.

Then, one would look at the inevitability of certain  wars in proper perspective.

Though scenes of destruction and devastation are very sad wherever they may happen.  Any war anywhere, obviously causes a lot of destruction ( whatever be the justifications) more so, at present time with advanced technology, the negative impacts are more intense.

Only thing that people, who wanted to trap the world into a dichotomy of some 'ism' , outside Russia more vociferously promoted in the name of Russia was Marxian communism which, had it been followed in letter and spirit would have reduced Russia into a weak state long back. 

So, even that Russia as a nation stopped publicizing long back, only certain pseudo media professionals and frustrated political outfits in some parts of the world continue to misuse it to create an appeal as if they are the appointed crusaders for fighting against disparities, inequalities ( while they live luxurious life to peddle victimhood, poverty etc).

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