Let us etch the following four sentences in our hearts and
1. “God is UNITY but always works in VARIETY" RALPH W.EMERSON
2. Peace and Harmony are defined indirectly by
wanting too
much of same Identity in everyone and everywhere and want of Tolerance
3. After all everything has an expiry date,
including our mortal life.
The curse of identity, which defines exclusivity, is a reality that interconnects
us all.
One common feature in all these four
statements above is that each sentence emphasizes the inevitable contradiction
or the opposite or polarity.
And the middle letter in both UNITY and VARIETY is “I”- the Identity.
While data and information on any matter followed by
analysis based on them leading to classification and categorization establishing
certain distinct characteristics, features, factors, aspects either naturally occurring
or purposefully attempted or forcefully injected reveals many things.
“Get out of
your own way… stop the paralysis by analysis… decide what you want, create a simple
plan, and get moving!” – Steve Maraboli.
But what it does at the same time is that it also seeks to
label identities or insulate identities or assign or appropriate certain stereotypical
portrayal of identities either to perpetuate or to promote or to put an end to
or to divide humane race further with these labels.
Identities, especially unique ones are there as undeniable
facts; getting wedded or welded to identities is also equally undeniable fact;
glaring differences emerging out of these identities are also undeniable facts;
privileges, prejudices, pressures, entitlements based on such identities are
also undeniable facts.
But the mere fact of existence of these differences and
identities need not necessarily lead to ideologically fixing or assigning all human
beings into predefined labels thinking that everyone who may fit into such
labels either subscribe to certain specific characteristics or deemed to be appropriating
certain qualities.
The itch to stereotype and sensationalize especially sensitive
shores of human relationships is rife with inbuilt dangers.
This presumption is the result of selective ideological fixations
and brain washing propaganda.
This is the very reason we tend to mutilate the marvel of
variety of human souls and spirits by trying to fit them in predefined boxes of
labeled identities.
The problems that arise out of the excessive projection of and
painting of all as subjects of these assumptions is that they get injected into
the subconscious mind and pop up at
every perceived moment of toxic intolerance
or avoidable bias and phobia.
“All of us have our own inner fears, beliefs,
opinions. These inner assumptions rule and govern our lives. A suggestion has
no power in and of itself. Its power arises from the fact that you accept it
mentally.” ― Joseph Murphy, The
Power of Your Subconscious Mind
We must realize that the subconscious mind is
the law of action and always expresses what the conscious mind has impressed on
it. What we regularly entertain in our mind creates a conception of self. What
we conceive ourselves to be, we become.”- Grace Speare.
Everything in nature is a manifestation of variety. With all
species, flora and fauna including human beings- in their physical,
ideological, religious, cultural, regional, social, political, intellectual,
linguistic and artistic world – are expressions of this variety.
So let us neither perpetuate nor become a prey to any act
that subscribes to such divisive identity projections through hazy prisms and
crazy perspectives of perception –which by itself is very fallible.
Unfortunately, in the whole world Life's socio- political
churning process instead of becoming and being more rational, scientific and
humane, seems to get struck in identities of various hues and colors indicating
a mindset worse than that of the sixteenth century.
The complications, dynamics
and possibilities of Unity
What are required for
global Citizenship or Worldology
The inevitable
reality of polarity as a scientific factor
Xenophobia is the extreme
Invasion to accede territories as a sign of real estate
veneration based patriotism is an outdated idea.
Importance of and
role of relationships
The fact of genetic
Victimhood projection
It is better to avoid excessive projection of class, color
or race as a social barrier and refrain from excessive victim hood projections
as it contributes to make differences and prejudices into divisive forces and psychological
Why and how are
perception itself is fallible
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