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Monday, July 24, 2023

Language and grammar

 Excellent and true. But the new linguistic approach ( by new I mean as far as I know in the past 20 years) emphasizes more on two aspects ( at the cost of or good riddance to stifling rules in prose and smothering structures in poetry- modern abstract verses have overcome that) because the flexibility is the hallmark of English and that is one of the reasons why it has become more popular than the rest. So, all hard and fast rules are given a go. 

1.Whether the intended communication happens ( no need to please literary purists or classical grammar addicts ). 

( Example : International Arrivals and every metro in the country's airport is National Terminal).

2. To do away with any discordant note-like structure ( even if they are grammatically warranted) which obstructs the flow of thoughts, ideas, theme etc .

We can always say, as many do, big, colourful , conical gopuram. 

Beautiful red kanchipuram silk saree worn by the tall film star was the cynosure of the event. 

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