Happy New Year to all with a Mindmap of possibilities and positive messsages amind a heap of negativism promoted and propagated by the media.
Enlarge the Mindmap in the link for
clarity http://imm.to/HPAKC
Attention seeking avidly by many for everything.
Adjust and accommodate with
appropriate attitude towards all in as many ways as possible
Belief systems of many hues hampering unbiased observations
Build systems to benefit all in
as many ways as possible
Controversies created by many at the drop of even any less
nuanced statements
Compassionately care for all in
as many ways as possible
Designing divisions as a tool to propagate many ideologies
Develop a sense to ensure
development of all in as many ways as possible
Emotional dredging for expediency by many to market many
hidden agendas
Encourage to enhance as many
aspects of life of all in as many ways as possible
Fueling fear psychosis for many things
Feel for all and find useful
functions for all in as many ways as possible
Grave negligence of many aspects of environment or giving up
all activities
Generate activities guarding interests
of all species in as many ways as possible
Histrionic reactions towards many historical mistakes
Help highlight humane values
among all in as many ways as possible
Identity cages kept intact through interpretations by many
ideologies preventing tolerance
Inculcate importance of
synergizing variety beyond identities among all in as many ways as possible
Justification modes adopted by many to relegate rational
Junk judgmental mode and
joyfully join with contextual relevance with all in as many ways as possible
Killing peace of all in many ways
Kindle kindness among all in as
many ways as possible
Leading human life as if it is totally independent in many
Learn that life as a whole is
interrelated, interdependent and interactive and so love all in as many ways as
Manipulated everything from mapping planet as if it is
merely human centric unmindful of many other species
Make way for meaningful mingling
with all in as many ways as possible
Negative media projections of many aspects of life and
Nurture new approaches and
natural niceties among all in as many ways as possible
Opportunistic over politicization of many things
Open up the mind to omit over
domination of one aspect alone and instead allow all aspects in as many ways as
Peace and proper perception prevented through many perverted
manipulative control mechanisms
Promote proper perspective
factoring in inner and external aspects when dealing with all in as many ways
as possible
Quality of living quashed through many compromises
Questioning and quests are best
qualities; so, qualify everything and all by those means in as many ways as
Relevance and reciprocation are given a requiem in many
Relate with relevance or
relevantly relate with all in as many ways as possible
Sensationalism sabotaging many subtle senses and
Sense of balance and substance
must stimulate sensibly when dealing with all in as many ways as possible
Tormenting true living by tagging to too many out dated traditions
Taste the tour of life through
all trends, taboos, truisms and travel inwards and towards all with equanimity in
as many ways as possible
Unleashing many useless scandals, gossips and rumors
Unravel uninhibited all facts,
truths, relevance and reach out to all to unite all in as many ways as possible
Victimhood peddling by some for their own livelihood
Vanquish all vilifications and vindicate
through verity and values all in as many ways as possible
Worrying and working up towards many worthless wants
Work with a wisdom which works
for welfare of all in as many ways as possible
Xenophobic aversions towards many inevitably interrelated
aspects of life
X-ray into the commonalities and
common interests among all in as many ways as possible
Yoking many youths to many conflict generating provocations
Yearn towards providing yummy
moments in life of all in as many ways as possible
Zapping the zeal of many committed good humans through zero
concern for their welfare
Zealously zip past the zealots
and zoom into zenith to provide for well being of all in as many ways as
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