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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The scourge of Identity and Extremism

                                    The scourge of Identity and Extremism

Fondness, Ferventness, Faith and Fanaticism are the multiple frequencies of the spectrum of affinity- ranging from subtle to substantial impact.

These frequencies are not mere verbal nuances but can be nice or nasty depending on how they manifest the intensity of one’s reverence and reaction to anything.

If we adopt the armor of sense of balance and the tool of refined rationality devoid of any identity based reaction to anything, though this may sound very idealistic or even utopian, then, it serves to provide a level playing field for all individuals irrespective of any identity.

Rational approaches refine what is otherwise viewed as contrasts that divide into variations that seek synergy.

Life is impregnated with the inevitable polarity principle in many aspects and identities are no exception.

Identities of all hues while they enable creating social groups at the same time enfeeble options for universal acceptance.

I have very often held that identity, though inevitable, excessive and exclusive veneration is at the heart of many problems be it in the realm of religion, region, language, tradition, culture, nationhood and so on.

In a sense identities symbolize fences.

We need maps to know the planet but we need to protect the planet beyond mapped concerns.

I have written reams and reams on this theme of ‘Identity’ while writing on various subjects.

I shall give links to some here.

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