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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Leftover LEFT and its dubious and double standards

We need to stop:-

Mere band aid treatments for deep wounds and  knee jerk reactions to gross crimes.

High time we prepare, I request VIF along with some IITs do a detailed data based list and crisp analysis of impact and cost of corruption.

How from 1947 both corruption, wrong policies, indifference of  majority have caused irreparable damage. 

Highlight these with catchy slogans, glossy charts with the picture of persons responsible for such corruption. 

Write in detail the deep rooted globally proven malefic cancer of leftover LEFT and its dubious and double standards of concern for democracy, equality,  human rights etc. 

This dangerous virus of petrified ideology of putrefied perspectives is injecting puerile perceptions all of which need to be kept in the attic of a museum for fossil genetic samples.

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