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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Governments must be run like corporate companies

1. Some ministers holding portfolios suffer from varying degrees of ignorance that gets exposed when a problem crops up. 

2. Modern day pace of growth, development, expectations, bandwidth of scrutiny and overall domain specialisation and expertise required are too demanding. Ministers required to attend all functions, pose for photo sessions, manage media and attend to his political foot soldiers obligations. Ministers being, mostly primarily politicians do not trust, delegate and decentralise. All these make things complicated. 

3. I was happy that recently PM has recruited many MSc computer science graduates in BSNL instead of IAS history and political studies idiots sitting as deciding authorities as a result with hundred time lesser infrastructure the Jios and Airtels have overtaken them. 

4. While all minsters grab some fancy phrases like paradigm shift , adopt to changing times bla bla, it is high time each  ministry creates a private company corporate like structure where there is everyday reporting, weekly or monthly targets and appraisals.

5. First our country is not only too vast geographical area wise, it is too populated with too many young aspiring persons with above average intelligence with enough skills but for everything we need connections and contacts. Extremely skilled youth who don't have that get frustrated and may indulge in any activity. 

6. There were two studies done in UK one how the over affluent youth had become psychological perverts resorting to ( criminal violations) and another how the intelligent youth are becoming restless and resorting to (civil violations- as usual Brit humour mill went on and on about violations are civil). These symptoms are showing up in our society now.

UK was trying to address these as early as the 90s. These were reported in London times. Anyway though the intentions and improvements are enormous within the ecosystem by the present government, the exigencies of present time warrants much bolder reforms in bureaucracy through legislature.

Similarly, we blame judges, how few judges at apex court for such large number of cases? How can you expect a judge to go through hundreds of documents, verify authenticity, listen to interpretations , read even the multiple notes from lower courts and deliver judgements running into hundreds of pages with legal jargons? 

Now, some judgements are online, really excellent but if they were actually written or dictated by these judges, then I would like many Indian judges to become authors on various subjects.  

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