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Sunday, August 27, 2023

Institutions matter

 Education can 'equip and empower' with certain knowledge and skill sets it 'cannot create a complete ecosystem' for a smooth, easy, effortless , happy life. It can only play certain roles in the ecosystem. 

Some of the things he says are true but too much of pandering to populist, stereotyped evaluation with a lot of logical fallacies. 

This talk of left brain right brain issue is mere balancing, it happens ​to many with varying degrees at different ages.

Every individual has to discover​  his or her inner strengths. But one has t​o also need to factor in the dynamics of external situations ( various aspects) in which one's life lands up. 

Basic, fundamental literacy needs some measurable structures, systems and institutionalisation to impart certain preferred modes of survival skills in tune with evolving social demands and cater to various individual aspirations.

Personal interests and passions will sprout anywhere somehow at any time.

However, only a lucky few can also become a worthy profession- I mean one that takes care of tools for decent survival and also provides happy living i.e. a successful sports person, artist, writer etc. 

Even if there is a successful sports person, he needs a factory full of workers who manufacture equipment for him, prepare food for him, operate trains, buses, airlines for him to travel, medicines for him to take, telecasters to show his skills, sponsors to pay for him. 

These types of sweeping criticism of every system is at best a populist rant or frustrated outpourings.

Ultimately, a clandestine publicity for my  institute​.

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