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Sunday, August 27, 2023

China's Waterloo moment and a new global direction


Let us see how a methodical approach may have been possibly made based on keen observation and study of collective social psychology. 



From the 1960s the world prioritised and focussed ( perhaps rightly so) on a combo of scientific, economic, and technological development because many felt that the predominant role of religions and doctrines have not enabled human beings to lead a more comfortable life, provide happiness through relating with external objects. Besides,  the human mind was obviously seeking newer entertainments and enjoyments hitherto prohibited by religious mores. 



The world also was moving away from excessive obsessions of invasions, perhaps getting saturated with the concomitant ruins. 



This combo seem​ed to offer relative peace to the majority.  However, as is always the case, there were some exceptions to this thinking.



This combo gradually evolved a necessary 'ecosystem' which delivered the obvious 'benefits', some also called it as modern civilization. 

Some others called it as an age of economic development and as an age of science and technology ​while many others prefer​ed to call it as an age of progress and so on. 



Obviously, there were predominant and aggressive 'creators' of this ecosystem ( USA, RUSSIA & EUROPE) and some others who gradually became ' strong partners' ( CHINA & JAPAN) of this ecosystem rather than being mere passive beneficiaries. Israel has always been a silent major contributor of R&D, Technology and India a subdued back-office service provider and supplier of brain power.



At one point the euphoria of prosperity and dominance that the creators of this 'ecosystem' got them trapped into haughty complacence and ethnocentric pride which made them forget about  ' sustaining the ecosystem' but focus more only on the 'benefits' or ' fine tuning the benefits'. ( i.e., using technology and enhancing it). This was a problem. 


There is a saying, ' luck favours those who convert a problem into an opportunity.'


This is where  one of the ' strong partners' ( China - saw this as a huge opportunity and using its immense human resources) focused on ' sustaining the ecosystem' and ' supplying the benefits' uninterrupted to those complacent zombies as well as to the passive recipients. 


By both ensuring ' to SUSTAIN the ecosystem' as well as ' to SUPPLY the benefits' China migrated, in a short span of time, from being a major participant into almost an inevitable ' OWNER OF (many aspects of)  THE ECOSYSTEM ' with generous sponsorship of all the consumers. In the process it has fortified most of the vital aspects of the ecosystem like infrastructure in their own country and connectivity across the globe; creating large industries with mass production facilities; acquiring mines of vital metals and minerals for future requirements ; binding big global brands with manufacturing contracts and so on. 


China, thus, grabbed an opportunity and literally not only  ' colonised the world economically without bothering to pouch or to poke into the sensitive areas of others​' social life like food, language, culture, religion, local traditions, beliefs etc, but also ensured to sustain this  status of economic  power for some time well into the foreseeable future. 


But then, despite the phenomenal  success story of China as a dominant economic power, its inherent ideology of hidden agendas and clandestine operations devoid of any humanitarian values coupled with its megalomaniacal aggressiveness and its total lack of ethical practices ​ended up as  the self-goals which ​was its undoing. Add to all that, now its hiding of the worst global crisis emanating from its soil which has crippled life and livelihood for many may be the Waterloo of China's economic power.



It is often said that everything has a saturation point, common sense prevails over everything, and when everything fails nature decides.


Something evolves either from the existing milieu or something pops up anew to bring in the necessary change and balance. 



Now with the gradual exposure of China's botching up the Wuhan lab’s role in the hindsight things are better understood and memory works on facts to find long lasting sensible solutions and many countries don't trust China but yet they have to deal with it as it is a global​ supplier and downer in some parts now. So, everyone is seeking solutions for many aspects.


The key players to this solution lay in first bringing in the BOSS:- 


Bring the best





Who are they ? And how do we decide?


As a team, nations must create balance not just to counter any​ ​single power but to avoid excessive dependence on a single ​territory.


So, the team that goes to make the BOSS could be.


The capital rich investment capable and R&D encouraging USA, the high-tech and R&D brain hub Israel, the huge population of educated, intelligent and skilled manpower having India, further production hub of Japan and Fab factories owning Taiwan and South Korea , some natural resources rich Middle East and African countries etc. 


The role of nations which were mere glorified malls with meeting points and ports will disappear. 


Now canals and ports can be built in many places.


We need urgent marriages of confidence, cooperation beyond temporary convenience to create multiple alternative hubs to access various goods and services and commodities. 


This is not something new I am writing.



In a real sense all information and knowledge necessary for every spec​ of evolution may be buried in nature for ages awaiting to appear in the radar of human perception by some chance discovery or conjecture or realisation or inevitable necessity which deciphers and delivers with explanations and then further confirms through experiments for the human mind to accept and to understand









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