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Saturday, August 26, 2023

Art has the freedom to unleash imagination, exaggeration, surrealism, abstract rendering etc


Painting as such is very well done but the items in it are desperate attention seeking and template for quick endorsement by many. 

I think artists getting hyper influenced by populist ideology is as bad as the Left extrapolating its ideology on art and culture. 

Grooming the mind is more important.

That happens through the direct impact of events around us happening outside and indirectly through traditional, cultural and family influences and our grasping and absorbing them as well as our reactions and resistances to all the above. 

Ultimately, what we conscious​ly internalize ends up with us and travels along with our physical body and mental ideas.

In life​, generally​, we do what we want, what we can and what we are destined to.

Fortunately, art has the freedom to unleash imagination, exaggeration, surrealism, abstract rendering etc, if , instead it confines to mere portrayal of capturing populist optics, then, photos with collating and editing tools will do. 

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