
Tuesday, May 4, 2021


In our enthusiasm to promote certain technological advancements let us not belittle human activities


Childhood's treasury of learnings 


Innocent curiosity, intense observations, playful imitations, delicious day dreams, incredible imaginations, far-fetched fantasies are  part of childhood's treasury of learnings which get any normal child's mind instantly involved, intensely internalized but everything without any obligation and hangover.


Learning meanders through these are we grow 


As one grows the acquired knowledge, accumulated thoughts, acquired or adopted biases, impulses, instincts, intuitions, various levels of understanding, experience gained through churning of life in all its actions, interactions, reactions and so on , most of these calibrated and lead to conditioning through the ideological, religious, political and socio-cultural milieu based influences and impacts. There are components of  Collaborative intelligence, Creative intelligence, Existential intelligence, Intrapersonal intelligence, Naturalistic intelligence, Emotional intelligence, Interpersonal intelligence, Musical intelligence, Body-kinaesthetic intelligence, Linguistic intelligence, Logical-mathematical intelligence, Scientific intelligence, Spiritual intelligence, Spatial intelligence, Predictive intelligence, Visualization intelligence, Conceptualizing intelligence, Philosophical enquiring intelligence to seek meanings and grasp the unknown and vaguely perceived aspects of life etc.  


In addition we have as part of all the above or existing besides all the above critical thinking, analysis and creativity all of which manifest in the process of learning, understanding and expressionsAll of these influence and impact our perceptions and perspectives; ideas, identity and interpretations; extrapolations and expressions; reasoning, excuses, justifications and our conceptualization of ideals.

 Almost all of these are parts of overall learning, understanding and thinking. Each one may manifest in various degrees at different times or in different topics and situations


So, human intelligence as a whole or even parts of it cannot be over simplified, over generalized and definitely not at all be homogenized. Hence, cannot be replaced through any short cut methods or means or tweaked through any of the much hyped technologies or software though they may help in speeding up lot of repetitive, routine, mundane tasks and manual work and spatially shrink expanse of area of monitoring etc.


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