This is really an excellent video from Mali [ ]
I think serendipity is an invisible angel not only eavesdropping on our conversations but listening to our minds through clairaudience.
Only this morning in some context I was telling my daughter as to how the collective psychology of human beings allows its children to acknowledge and know more and more about a Michael Jackson or a Miley Cyrus or a Rajini kanth and A.R. Rehaman and how every time that you use anything that they have produced or copied or participated in you need to mention their name repeatedly and also end up paying royalty.
Imagine if for any activity connected with radiation if the world were to pay some amount to my all time hero Madam Curie's family or descendants or every x-ray in the world we are asked to pay a percentage to the family of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen or some organization which can take up more useful research in those areas. Leave alone credits and compensation do we at least give enough importance to all the technologies that we use.
This speech is really wonderful and true. Our education systems have killed inquiry, experience and have replaced everything with grand theoretical texts to be learnt and reproduced either with or without understanding. Science can not only be an art but it has enhanced human living, made life more comfortable and helped human beings understand about life better and far beyond what religions or arts or politics or perhaps all put together did or do. Their impact and influence is obvious in every sphere but unfortunately humanity respects and reveres science less and scientists are pushed into oblivion.
We make children even learn the sciences only to get a job or work in some organization or to take pride in the suffixes or prefixes that gets added to the name.
It is only open, inquiring and questioning minds, generous and unbiased hearts, enthusiastic spirits who wanted to awaken the world have produced great impact in their respective areas of activity.
As a Darwin set down to scientifically explain methodically the theory of evolution or as Issac Newton did by creating extensive formulae to explain his discoveries or as a Madame Curie who risked her life to help humanity or as Albert Einstein did through his extraordinary Theory of Relativity or as a J.Krishnamurthy did to philosophical inquiry or as a Vivekananda who declared boldly in the language and idiom that westerners were willing to listen to ‘that anything that is not rational is not religion’ and helped the whole world enjoy the benefits of huge literature of extraordinary philosophical concepts that were hidden in the various texts of Sanathana Dharma or as a Kerry Packer did by reforming cricket matches and so on.
In every field the story of human evolution is nothing but the history of impacts either positive or negative made by people who refused to take the beaten track and no wonder that George Bernard Shaw is reported to have said
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world.
The unreasonable man adapts the world to himself.
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world.
The unreasonable man adapts the world to himself.
All progress depends upon the unreasonable man”.
The beauty of science can also be presented as the most interesting literary piece and the essential aspect of living as was shown by, again an inquiry mind who was not a branded scientist nor a great author but by profession a pilot, the great Guy Murchie in his great work ‘The Seven Mysteries of Life’ a necessary scripture for every educated youth.
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