
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

patent laws, copy rights , royalty

Dear Sridharaanji ,

Very well done indeed . I hope you have started in full swing your research work in acoustics related to Carnatic music at IIT Chennai and I wish you all the best . 

Hope the materials that I had send were of some use to you . I am keeping ready all the concerts of the DEC-Jan 2013-14 season recording for www. You can call and come any day and copy them or I too can come to your place on some day evening and load them in your system.

I would like all Carnatic music rasikas to visit his site link and encourage the great work that Sridharan has been doing very humbly for many years .

Sridharanji regarding this issue of copy rights and patent laws that you have correctly fought with YouTube.

I have a totally different view, of course an extremist philosophical attitude with greater good of the maximum number of human beings in heart. Here [in the link given below] you can find my views and you will be surprised that there are many great scientists across the globe who too have such views. 

In fact I got involved into this subject itself when these GATT, TRIPS,WTO and its dictates were introduced by US interests across the globe , of course some of them were inevitable and important changes . When wrong claims  started tripping in I wrote  a very detailed half page article in the Indian Express in the 90s which was unfortunately published in the Tuesday special supplement called 'Science Express' because I had titled the article as  Rauwolfia Serpentina, [in brief in a 7th century BC sanskrit text one  Vagbatha  mentions about  this plant and its ability to control BP and from that there were clear links to many researches based on that mostly by Indians leading to discovery of the wonder drug for BP Reserpine [even today that is the basic drug for controlling BP]  for which two British scientists got Nobel prize in 1950s [fortunately and thankfully it was they who traced and recorded the history of the drug development giving credit to all the Indian scientists who did the initial research]

After that when US tried to patent Turmeric in the early 2000 I got in touch with some sincere and serious agricultural scientists in India and wrote to some 2500 scientists asking them to write personal letters to our PM and finally it [patenting of Turmeric] was blocked.

Some years back I wrote this too and then posted it last year in my blog last year in this link

From: Sridharan <>
Date: Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 3:46 PM
Subject: [Sangeethapriya] Re: copright claim on thyagaraja kritis

1) Writing to youtube has indeed worked. . youtube has alerted Lahiri and they have tendered apology to parivadini and have retracted their claims

2) Auto identification of Carnatic music kriti from an audio recording is non trivial. While this works for Western music, , as WM is without gamakam and variation in tune. this does not work for Carnatic music. Research is happening in IIT-Madras to solve this.

- Sridharan

On Tuesday, 21 January 2014 11:41:42 UTC+5:30, havanurmic wrote:

I checked the video and found that copyright claims have been removed. Looks like problem solved. However as this has happened to me also I would like to share some information. 

1) I was told that all copyright violations are checked by software which compares original sounds with whatever has been posted. I do not know technical details but believe the recording companies register their audio video content and have it catalogued. Youtube bots do the checking automatically. Wrong identifications happen because of the automatons. 

2) Sending a petition to youtube will be of no use. All youtube will do is check their software alerts and reconfirm that you have violated copyright

3) The most direct way is to send a message to Lahari through their youtube page and demand that they remove the claim. I did this with T series and got results

4) If Lahari does not respond start a petition against Lahari. Their main purpose is to run advertisements when your video is being played. The adverse publicity of a petition against them will normally get them to act. Remember it wasn't Lahari who accused you of copyright, it was the youtube bots. 

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