
Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Nuances are vital in every aspect of life.

Nuances are vital in every aspect of life. 

Though they are conveyed more effectively in words one must understand the concepts, thoughts, ideas, ideologies, doctrines, philosophy, opinions, actions and so on that the words convey.

Often, the human mind misses them in its propensity to over-generalize varieties, oversimplify the complex and over complicate the simple aspects.

There are varying degrees and shades of differences in the wide spectrum of attitudes and behaviour ranging from  humility, false modesty, hypocritical posturing, subservient attitudes. I have healthy contempt for all sorts of hypocrisies unless they are inevitable compromises and adjustments warranted for diplomatic niceties.

I think Indians must learn to not to mix irrelevant things.  

​At times it is difficult to draw the lines of being idealistic and being practical. 

What is idealism in one era becomes practical in another. 

Read this book 'An idealist  View of Life' by our former President Dr. S. Radhakrishnan who was at ease in the theory of both eastern and western philosophical systems.

Practical and idealistic are context specific, so without real context, only generalization will govern.

Those holding any top position of importance in government like MPs, Ministers, more so PM or PRESIDENT must, in public, confine themselves,  to mere publicity posturing or participation as symbolic gestures but must not overdo, irrespective of whatever be their personal identity or private affinity. 

These become more important in pluralistic societies with excessive media freedom [now added to these we have a huge military of memes generators].

It is not a question of mere playing on words or verbalization but sometimes harsh reality and at times it is perceptions that get in to expose the differences.

Practicality consists in seeing through the differences, not to admire or to avoid but at least to acknowledge and to accept.

For example, STANDARDIZATION is very important in certain spheres like size of plug point or size of sim cards; in certain areas UNIFORMITY is a necessity to measure and make comparative analysis to determine relative merits and demerits like syllabus in education system.

However, forced HOMOGENIZATION to mutilate variety is unwelcome like compelling everyone to lead only a certain way of life.

Similarly, even natural beauty like a vast mountainous region or travelling in big rivers like Amazon can get boring after sometimes due to sheer MONOTONY.

Either unintentionally or intentionally all the four above i.e., Standards, Uniformity, Homogeneity, Monotony all indicate some sort of sameness or similarity.

However, their importance, impact, and our interest in them are obvious but in the case of homogenization it is subtly injected and in the case of MONOTONY it is our mental reaction or attitude.​​

Evaluation of any profession must be based on matters intrinsic to the domain and relevant to context. 

No big terms of idealism or practical, both can be used relatively.

What is possible or Practical for someone at some place may be idealistic for others.

It is like trends and taboos.


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