
Saturday, October 31, 2020

Covid Losses and Encouraging signs


​Covid Losses and Encouraging signs


Let us not allow any identity to limit our frames of references and restrict our forms of preferences and perspectives.


In short, nothing is exclusively ultra-sacrosanct, ultimate truth or panacea.

No one or nothing is omnipotent or omniscient. 



If at all any important lesson that humanity has to take from this most disruptive last few months of Covid -19, though one may dismiss this as a one off rare occurrence of pandemic, still we cannot ignore, on the whole as a general outcome, all the following were evident and exposed :-


1. The unreliability of many of the past templates to encounter present and new problems;


2. The vulnerability of human physique; 


3.  The fragility of human psyche and emotions; 


4. The naïvety of the innocents who were more clueless than the rest;


5. The brevity of lockdown extended into eternity of boredom;


6. The torpidity troubled the restless minds and busy bodies;


7. The temerity tucked into timidity;


8. The morbidity muted delusions of eternity of life;


9. The timidity tunneled in uneasy thoughts of human mortality;  


10. The inability of many of the claims of various institutions (political, religious, academic) of importance to hide their fallibility;


11. The indispensability of interdependence of nations;


12. The unsustainability of many activities which were spiralling the economies;


13. The paucity of adequate crisis response mechanisms;


14. The velocity of conspiracy theories gushed forth through various media platforms without bothering to back it up by verifying the veracity; 


15. The levity of gossips and phobias pervaded;


16. The reality of multitude of capabilities, in short, exhibited the enfeebled illusions of humanity.


The calamity along with all the above casualties also threw the following encouraging signs:-


1. The sanity of positivity of human hope continued amid all these chaos;


2. The diversity of dexterity of human beings inundated the social media as more people sought attention;


3. The alacrity of science and technology driven attempts were in place to find real remedies including possibility of an effective vaccine in vicinity;


4. The generosity of help heaped beyond all hindrances of identities;


5. The utility of relevance of reciprocity in every relationship got manifested;


6. The unity of humane spirit organically evolved in many places, undirected by any instructions from institutions of social engineering (political parties, religious institutions, cults etc);


7.  The ingenuity of human spirit to bounce back along with its adaptability to the new normal is a certainty.




Friday, October 30, 2020

Data and narratives


Data expansion


I would like to bring in more factors/ aspects into the radar of frames of reference to include in this to make it more comprehensive and get them wedded to well woven narratives.


Multiple later thinking tools, Mind Map techniques to make charts/graphs more elaborate and exhaustive.



I would like to have multiple sub-classification  as in every art and science there are  inherent patterns, sometimes obvious or we learn and discover them through the course of our study.



Sometimes, we use additional techniques and nuances to give finishing touches which ensure that whoever seeks a macro view or micro details according to one's perspective can easily access them. Thus, they become not only user friendly but provide a detailed blueprint to work on policies, strategies, schemes and all other necessary measures. 



Take for example a book that is about a subject/topic/plot. Then, divided into chapters, paragraphs, sentences, words and expressions. Every part is interrelated to the whole.




Double standards


A diamond in the rough


Really great and good to know. Got to see this a few days back.



This is what I wrote; probably​​ many may not like it.



Real passion, talents and greatness somehow come to light  but in the case of India it needs to be both identified and marketed by a foreigner.



The list is too long and includes almost many great spiritual and philosophical souls as well. 



Why? Even all our freedom fighters who were recognized and given space and importance were those who got educated overseas.



There may be many inherent hindrances which need to be looked into without bias and we need to change our attitude. 



When someone known to us within our close circles is good at something we become either indifferent or dismiss it as what is so great, nothing new our ancestors were greater than this, professional jealousy and all sorts of possible excuses to put down. Whereas, if that very same person becomes a success then we try in any contorted way to claim some affinity with that person, hero worship that person and so on.



So, such a person ' a diamond in the rough' ends up in a hyper narcissistic Mephobia -which is the fear of becoming so awesome that the human race can't handle it and everybody dies.


We have amidst us many such छुपा रुस्तम ( dark horses)




Ritualistic behavior

​​The problem in India is we have forgotten to involve sincerely and seriously into anything
(whether right or wrong, useful or not) like our ancestors did:-

Be it folding betel leaf (followed processes)
To working on arithmetic calculations (followed methods)
To following many traditional practices (followed beliefs)
To listen to elders (followed wisdom of experience)
To gossiping about others (followed curiosity to know) etc.
We do not follow scrupulously and methodically rules and regulations like the Westerners ( legal compliance out of fear of punishment) or

Adopt practices scrupulously ( out of belief in scientific facts).
I am refraining from using words like discipline, responsibility, respect etc.
They are next level.
Instead we perform everything at every level ritualistically as a formality coupled with anarchic behavior (misconstrued as freedom) and are willing to compromise anything and to justify many things quoting exceptions as a rule.
This mentality gets magnified at macro level. Utter lack of sincerity or involvement. 
At macro level while the political leaders, ministers may be sincere in making policies, at implementation level the bureaucrats and domain specialists do not work in sync.

Conflate and extrapolate


Extrapolators of ideology and stereotyped profiling.

Classical example of a totally confused mind excreted out of inflated ego, deflated confidence, conflating unrelated aspects-the symptoms of Oblates of obsolete putrefied ideologies who filter everything through them or make contrived efforts to extrapolate those ideas to every realm of life.

Only wish such souls till they relate with the reality of life. 


Sunday, October 25, 2020

Real Globalization


For various reasons and from different aspects, real globalization happens when we broaden our view, see new horizons and evaluate the real trade-offs from different perspectives and various parameters.



One important, often overlooked​ aspect is the presence of our citizens in many parts of the globe adds up to the global exchange of or intersectionality of culture, knowledge, languages, different practices and systems prevailing in different regions. 


Otherwise, availability and usage of most modern technology​ical and facilities are accessible to many in most developed nations more or less at the same level ( though there may be some shortcomings in infrastructure and ' real ease of doing business'.). 



The practical experience that one derives out of physical presence and operating in a different environment ( whether better or worse than ours) is something that has immense value.


Reason and not mere justifications



I was requested to make some philosophical observation in general about individual life and its relationship in institutional realm and socio- cultural milieu.


Here it what emerged, a heartfelt communication with conviction.


Our life is ordinarily lived and measured in time space conundrum.


So, destiny also deals through these two i.e. time and space.



For all damages we did to nature and other species, nature has chosen to teach a lesson when 21st

Century was marching ahead at brisk speed like 20-20 matches.



So, anyone or any group which engages in conscious scheming with ulterior motives or hidden agendas reveals a petty insecure mind and the karma for that will haunt for a long time and at appropriate moment and place hunt down with greater vigor. 



Therefore, no one can escape the larger scheme of things if they think that they have gained something through scheming. 



We see this universal law of karma operating everywhere for everyone. 



This is what all epics in the world teach us as a valuable lesson. 



The language and terminologies used may differ like karma, consequences, impact, desire is the root cause of misery and so on and so forth, but the lessons are the same. 



One can use intelligence and strategies to win or to strengthen oneself or any institution but not do scheming with lies, laid back attitude, selective non-committal cautiousness, insensitivity, indifference etc.


We see the same mistakes repeated all around us in every field.


Expediency must not become the only principle and excuses to evade responsibilities must not become the only practice. Worst case scenario when these two combine.



All rules can have exemptions in contextual exigencies or emergency situations but must be backed by conscious reasons and not mere justifications for mistakes one commits. 



All of us can extrapolate these values and principles in every domain of our activities and our relationships. 


So, moving around with hidden agendas, ulterior motives, surreptitious undercurrents,  political overtones all coated or covered with a lid of some  ideological insinuations or extrapolation will keep under constant pressure many to merely exist through a life of routine with simmering discontent and lurking suspicion with murky vested interest domineering behavior patterns which will cause more harm to one's own mental peace because of these huge carapace of negativities that will cover the mind.





Identity, History and Freedom of expression


We cannot live in the past nor rewind life but we must live in the present and then, if we want, try to carve ways and means to plan for a future that we envisage.



One cannot disown or deny certain identities ( at least like our name, physical frame etc.) but can avoid getting caged and adoring only in that identity and refusing to acknowledge the existence of other identities.



​​One cannot get disoriented or deny or dismiss history but can avoid ruminating only on the negativities of historic blunders with histrionic reactions and allowing  them to ruin the present.



One is at liberty to have any ideology or many ideologies but avoid selectively venerating it/ them as the best and defy other ideologies.



Perhaps, evolution may have overlooked or skipped certain important, good and great aspects or incidences but no one can avoid the trace of evolution in every realm.


So, some identity and history, certain evolution and ideology are all part of everyone's life.


Freedom of expression must learn to respect all individuals as much as one's own identity;


Freedom of expression must learn to value the whole of humanity as much as one's own historical background;


Freedom of expression must learn  to respect institutions and other ideas as much as one's  own ideology/ ideologies.


Interpreting selectively and deliberately designed to divide, to discriminate and to develop animosity in society must be checked.


Word Usage from bad to bombastic to the beautiful


Word Usage from bad to bombastic to the beautiful


Words and expressions are marvelous creations and they grow best through usage.


“In capturing a word, a sliver of lived experience can be observed and defined. If only you were able to catch all the words, perhaps you could define existence.


I use many of these types of terms in some contexts without giving an overdose of them.


If that happens, then the contrived bombastic usage may cause uneasiness to the reader who may be more interested in the content and not the excessive ornamentation or frills.


However, there are two interesting things in doing this (i.e. using bombastic vocabulary at times):-

First it is gives a sheer pleasure of toying with bombastic vocabulary studded texts [tinged with a undisclosed pride in showing off which I used to do during my SSLC and PUC [when I did Advanced English] [1];


Second, sometimes certain single words [in English language itself which are not that well known because they not much used or words from any other language] convey better certain complex states of emotions, psychological states, actions in certain contexts etc. [2]


At the same time there are those who dismiss every write up as too wordy or bombastic just because their range of vocabulary is limited or they feel intimated by rather than getting inspired by people who can articulate more effectively  using certain nicely crafted expressions.


Having said all these, one has to gradually ensure either through practice, preferably out of more of reading and some regular writing, strike a nice synergistically evolved balance created between content and carefully crafted vocabulary which can not only convey the content but also tickle the aesthetic sensitivities to appreciate the art of language. It is like having a very food is nutritious, attractive to look at and also tasty.


Often, one need not have to work too hard to arrive at these either.


On the contrary, life is injected into all art forms when there is a comprehensive conceptualization along with clarity and conviction based confidence in one's perspective, then with these ingredients there comes around a smooth flow of thoughts and ideas along with concomitant vocabulary and expressions, all these leading to an excellent combo package where every part/piece is worth relishing.


This is how great sculptors look at a big rock/mountain/stone and inject life into it carve out great sculptures that get immortalized ; great painters visualize a theme, take a look at the canvas and inject life into it and produce great works of arts that get immortalized; great composers churn a theme and tune and inject life into the them and come out with great lyrics and good musical compositions that get immortalized; great writers weave spells of extremely brilliant write ups and inject life into them that get immortalized in their writings; great scientists strike  a chord through observations and churn the hypothesis  with experiments and inject life into them that get immortalized  in universally measurable, applicable and useful designs and technological devices; great philosophers think and view from in depth perspectives and inject life into premises that get immortalized into great workable and multi-utility concepts and so on. 



So, this process is more or less similar in most realms only the tools and techniques are different.


In language things get a greater attention because language is the queen of sciences and king of arts because all arts and sciences can be expressed and explained fully; enjoyed and experienced at least to a certain extent through langue.


Language helps better understanding of many things. 


So there is no need to explain further because from religious scriptures to political speeches to all scripts, to research findings to song lyrics are weaved out of words of some language.


The greatness of language over any other medium like music, painting, science and so on is its unhindered, unlimited access to any or many or almost all dimensions of life known and perceivable to human beings.


In that aspect language is omnipotent in its influence and impact.


As a medium it uses two methods Oral [speaking] and written [writing].


Whether it is used to express and explain thoughts, ideas, concepts, facts, events, actions, reactions, feelings, imagination, stories, discoveries, descriptions, fantasies, social, religious, cultural systems, dreams are all determined by the favorite frame of reference of the speaker or writer.


Lexicography is imbued with life with all its sweet memories, vicissitudes of living and potential evolutionary growth.



Every dictionary must be a family album of nostalgic moments narrating stories, histories, narrations and all these nurturing the pride of ancestry and heralding a hope for future through the nice anecdotal references.


When lexicology and literature come together and deliver a baby of words and expressions with inherited beauty of etymology and denotation.


They watch the baby grow into a child acquiring connotations as it experiences its life through various contexts.


Then the metamorphosis of child into a marvelous adult happens as it captures the raptures of evolutionary imperatives in linguistics.


Online dictionaries can be spiced up with audio-visual presentations, appropriate anecdotes, captive dialogues and relevant quotations that would enable us to remember the word/phrase/expression because of the impact of the quotations, probably with hints to usage in different contexts.



There are also the other side to this glorious importance to words and expressions. There is one whole tribe called, ‘Munduruku whose language has no tenses; no plurals and no words for numbers beyond five’ [Alex’s Adventures in NumberLand] and the best part is they count and give their produce running into few lakhs every week and they are considered one among the smartest tribes in Rain forests.

Anyway as these are getting popularized by some as would like to add this anecdote.


One Italian friend of mine admonished me for using words like bribe and corruption during UPA regime, instead he asked me to say, “ Busterella” [Italian term for ‘Envelop stuffed with money given as bribe] and I said it is a

“Mokita” [ Word from a language called Kivila, spoken in Papua New Guinea meaning  “the truth we all know but agree not to talk about.”]


One can find large quantity of such words in my reverse dictionary of adjectives [3]






 For a bigger collection read this

