
Friday, June 29, 2018

Learning and urge to express

Good one and for your info dear VS I have been following almost all the write ups of Hans Gersbach and Volker and Winker.

They throw open lot of unbiased observations, good ideas too in the realm of Finance, Economics, Entrepreneurship, political system.

Their criticisms and suggestions are very nice and useful but unfortunately not implementable in all regions or societies, especially those in the process of social engineering involving weaning away from entrenched in religious doctrine oriented traditions and excessive adoration of the past etc.

As proposing and penetration of new ideas and systems becomes tougher in terrains occupied by luddites of various hues and colors like status quo addicts, confirmation bias admirers and venerators of their own past tinged with an inherent insecured xenophobic reactions.

But sooner or later the inevitable changes will inundate life as a part of evolution beyond and despite all resistances.

I even went ahead and suggested to classify many such good articles in the realms of socio-political economics into categories like the unexplored, worth exploring and the unknown to bring in a big pool of idea bank from which the administraters can choose their cup of tea.

X says :One sociologist said that all statements are political. I would rather add that all desire to issue statements is narcissistic....more so in the so-called social media.

But then I say everyone needs some platform to express their views, interpretations, criticisms, appreciation etc. SM offers one, till the advent of SM it was the preserve of a select few

X : True. Now it has become Equal number of pearls before equal number of swines as Huxley foretold. We are all well and truly into the era of over- simplification and over-generalisation.

I reply :Learning starts out of curiosity; saunters through limitation; steps into conscious observation and stops to savour into expressing whatever is learnt through some medium and in some way.

Ironically the very process of excessive spawning of multitude of expressions through Social media throws up enormous variety which extinguish over simplification and over generalization and renders orchestration of mass opinion ineffective.

Though all opinions need not be sane or sublime but nonetheless gives room for everyone to express what they want and that is perhaps the very reason for its popularity.

Writing suggestions

When a young girl seeks suggestions to improve her writing I can only say these sir.

Follow your own impulses, intuition, imaginations but do not get contented with your intelligence, ideas, ideological affinities and interpretations as they may inadvertently, sometimes overlook certain areas of a topic and may miss out certain nuances.

Writing, like teaching, is basically a very interesting journey of learning, interaction,  introspection etc.

The best way to improve writing is to keep reading a lot and keep writing every day.

Constant practice is important.

Don't get obsessed with rules or notions of perfection or endorsement by others.

Observe different styles, enhance knowledge and more importantly improve understanding of any topic without any restraining bias or restrictive ideological pinnings.

Ensure whatever is being written is contextually relevant.

While interpreting any issue, idea or imagination never allow limiting frames of references or parochial perspectives to prevent broader vision and greater view of anything.

Also, If it may be of any significance when you get time read the following.

What if ?

Many of us most of the time, unless very imaginative or creative, feel comfortable starting with some template, premise, hypotheses etc- all geared towards facilitating our pursuit or perception at least with some clues, if not concrete answers and solid solutions.

This process is safest but the problem is that this process often bypasses  'what if?' quotient to a great extent, especially the what if? that is lingering in the tangents of the circle of template, hypotheses and premise and therefore more likely miss the radar of attention of the subject or topic as they are outside the radius.

I have always popped up questions of What if?; at times merely to counter a statement and sometimes seriously to find out why not?

In this genre I was even hunting for some titles on various subjects and as a matter of serendipity yesterday I came across Randall Munroe's book titled ' WHAT IF?' and in today's TOI center page Amit Varma's article ' is not dying, it's changing' throws up lot of logically appealing 'what ifs?'.

liberal is a dirty word in India's new lexicon.

Today's TOI ' liberal is a dirty word in India's new lexicon.

Well, it has been rendered so all over the world when media mafia started appropriating it.

1. The whole world knows that social engineering or socio economic structures or socio cultural systems either promoted or proclaimed by political, religious or other mass opinion molders like media mafia have many aspects beyond and besides the dichotomy of Left or Right; Liberal or Conservative etc.

2. Main stream media platform has been misused by some to peddle their putrefied perspectives, petrified ideologies, prefabricated extrapolation of such ideologies to everything involving human life and putative selective silence. So, no sane person would bother to notice the egocentric appropriations by this club or mafia.

3. Majority of the populations across the globe have kicked out the dubious designs and dupes of this mafia and slowly this tribe because of its well entrenched inflated ego tries to hide its self pity seeking through affected and condescending portrayal of social perceptions and reactions which have through multitude of Social Media forums exposed the hidden agenda of media mafia.

4. Now that they ( misusers of platforms of MSM) have been rightly left out of any serious consideration on any issue. I think no one needs to recapitulate and emphasis the glaring results of many major decisions and elections despite and in spite of the constant noises this media mafia was making.

5. I feel sorry for the unhealthy condition that this media mafia created for itself and the whole society at large.

6. The following link lists the unhealthy aspects.

7. Since there was hidden agenda of emphasising appropriation of the term 'Liberal' in the article the following link will throw some light on that coveted but often contaminated term Liberal.
Read the link

8. What further damages this term is the extrapolation of multitude of associated ideologies that take umbrage under this term  'Liberal' , to almost all aspects of life

Women safety

Debates regarding safety of women in India are unduly and exaggeratedly negatively projected.

However, it is still an issue in many areas of India and that has to be addressed at individual, family, social and political levels without either seeking or reacting to endorsements, certificates, adverse comments.

Still worse is resorting to justifications comparing with nations far worse on various parameters.

Documentary films

A very senior and reputed serial and documentary producer came home to discuss about some documentary around 8.30.

Had fruitful discussion because of his vast experience.

I ended up sharing my perspectives about Indian regional language documentaries.

These may be of interest to some especially

a must watch stuff

Music simple and nice ones

What great songs like instant coffee these melodies bring instant nostalgia.

Everything about these songs is so sweet, simple and yet sumptuous.

Sound structure wise simple harmonic motions but beautifully woven with well calibrated vibrations and correct frequencies.

Neither a single faltering note nor extra frills.

Almost all songs of Mukesh, Hemanth and Talat fall in this category.

Some more in  that category.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Words have enormous power.

Words have enormous power.

But equally powerful are the interpretations, connotations in context, perceptions, and perspectives, ability look beyond and beneath the words.

It is therefore, important to pay very minute attention to the nuances and learn the art of diplomatic articulation.

At the end of the day, even if we are not able to create a great impact or convince and make others accept our stand or a particular stand, at least we must be able to get across what we intend to convey to others in a way that they can grasp or preferably how we want them to grasp.

The earth may be rotating on its own axis but the world is getting rotated by multitude of axis of various versions and carefully crafted narratives.

social success

Someone asked me how even docile people start becoming assertive when given power or position.
I said docility and meekness could perhaps have been nothing but silent observation waiting for appropriate time to blossom.
Then based on assumption even their ascendency to power or position is questioned.
I said it could be a blessed metamorphosis of providence or is a very cleverly and consciously developed skill set and perhaps helped along by some luck and links.
However, we cannot brush aside or ignore certain positive credentials and capabilities of anyone in any position.
I also feel that we must always respect the post and diplomatically point out the mistakes or activities performed by the person holding certain specific posts because they can tarnish the post or bring down the very image of the institution they are in.
We must also bear in mind not to over indulge in too indiscriminate or excessively aggressive criticism of some people and be conspicuously silent on lack of initiative or involvement of many for many years on multiple issues.


Limited Insolvency Examination!!!
Today a friend shared his happiness about passing an exam after 50 years of age.
But what I saw was shocking.
Surprising that the certificate issued by
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India
We must examine the limitation of language usage skills of Government boards and why this bankruptcy of excessively worded university degrees which we used to get with too much of legalese and which used to read as hereby declare that X having undergone examinations conducted by the appropropriate authority and having....bla bla
Anyway it is not only a question of a very ambiguous use of adjective but the citation is too abbreviated and clumsily crushed, crumbled and jarring to the reader's mind.
What is limited?
Followed by next logical question what is the measurable limit of whatever is said to be limited.
When there is abhaswaram ( in carnatic music) going back to Shadjamam or Panchaman and setting the sruthi and resuming is the thumb rule in classical carnatic music.
Similarly, whenever there is any ambiguity in the usage of adjective or participle acting as adjective the thumb rule is to hyphenate.
I am sharing some relevant materials at my limited disposal and I am open to examination.

Specialties are inevitable.

Specialities are inevitable.
Probably we may have a specialist for olfactory nerves one for the left nostril and another for the right nostril.
But jokes apart it is the serious research and empirical data based specialities in health care that have contributed to increased number of aged people and many cures or at least remedies and comforts to several diseases.
The medical profession in general and private hospital based health care in particular along with advanced diagnostic equipments have made huge strides to the betterment of society.
Unfortunately, the society has a whole fails to appreciate and realize the difficulties and duties of all medical professionals from nurses to paramedics to hospital administrators to doctors.
Their jobs are very tough.
The worst part is day in and day out they deal with sickness, diseases, trauma, tragedies, troubles as part of their profession.
It is physically tough, psychologically tiring and emotionally very demanding but with all these they are expected to maintain their balance, put aside their personal life and perform their duties with seriousness and careful attention with a uneasy but intense involvement.
Incidentally in today's TOI i.e.2nd April Chennai edition central page has a wonderful article 'Medicine at Crossroads' by Anoop Misra Chairman Fortis.

Human vulnerabilities

he world has been always lead by a supposed better or promised state of happiness which is lacking -for various actual or projected reasons- and therefore one must aspire for that promised pleasant state of existence. 

Religions framed rules, regulations, restrained behaviour patterns towards attaining such a status; political rulers framed their own structures through propaganda, brain washing technics and victimhood peddling etc. 

Human beings are perennially vulnerable due to jealousy, attitude of comparing, sense of insecurity and above all seeking absolutes in everything while leading a life which is mortal in any case.

Intolerance brigade to Impeachment band wagon

Selective, obsessive and addictive focus for a brief period on some issue is like a dark passing cloud- a clear indication of some desperate lobby to draw attention and generate sensationalism and controversy.

They try to further project it in global arena  by zooming it, exaggerating it and take the help of some global outfits to endorse it presuming that would provide some credibility.

Unfortunately time and again, they are counter- productive and expose the hidden agenda of the perpetrators and this is the reason why Main Stream Media will lose even the little respect that they are left with.

From Intolerance brigade to Impeachment band wagon there is pattern and obvious bunch of participants.

My only worry in this new low in politics and MMS projection is that there is a subtle pollution of the minds of gullible youth who allow their mind space to be occupied by these passing clouds which neither promise rain during dry season nor protection from direct sun light on a hot summer day.


We had world's best alphabet teaching system more brief and nicely injecting social moral values without even a tinge of any religiosity.
However , unfortunately we killed it because of our new enthusiasm to develop a new breed of linguistic laundering to suit selective political ideology.
In which other language we had alphabet teaching like our Aathichudi Aram saiya virumbu, aaruvadhu sinam...; it was marvellous.
Even in English starting from teaching alphabets to defining the logic for or justification as to why alphabets have retained certain shapes, their significance in terms of sound.
Besides all these even for alphabets there is an etymological and socio- cultural background.
If we study more languages we shall find that every language, it's alphabets, words, expressions, idioms and phrases carry with them the real and true history of the times when they have evolved along with both human idiocies and intelligences; human exalted  perceptions and excreted perversions; social performances and prejudices; impactful events and happenings and politically and religiously instigated and engineered attitudinal changes etc.
Above all and despite everything the onward march of evolutionary changes that have held the intrinsically important,impact wise indispensable and individually and collectively internalized imprints intact.
Having said these words and expression wise among the languages that I know a little Sanskrit unravels enormous meanings; French and Telugu attract you with their pleasant sounds and English offers a wholesome buffet of flexible menu while Chinese ( though I don't know it personally but as explained by an author as great as Ezra Pound) is the first most visually logical language.


Want to be more rational? Multilingualism might be the answer

The point that the author tries to make, perhaps, could be among the many tools of perception available knowledge of multiple languages may probably take one out of the ghettos of single language based cultural milieu and its concomittant range of frames of reference.

Language by extension carries at least a tinge of culture along with it and that impacts reasoning as well as perception or at least supplies multiple frames of references to perceive.

For example:- very orthodox Tamil ( only Tamil) speaking innocent, nice and sometimes naive village folks cannot even accept or tolerate leave alone adopt easily to or assimilate the shopping mall strutting foreign lingo speaking folks.

They squirm in complexity whether justified or not.

I am not making judgements on whether either one is right or wrong.

But the reality is so stark and no one can deny that.

If one were to explain the role and revenue of mall culture to such innocent culturally monolingually groomed person it would be difficult to even understand.

Whereas, if the dynamics of life of innocence of village bred  monolingual folks were explained to the mall strutting folks they may understand it and react according to their attitudinal levels either sympathetically or arrogantly or merely accepting the inevitable state of life as it is.

Any additional knowledge as well as knowledge of more number of languages, more cultures, more sciences, more technologies, more scriptures and along with that more in depth study as well, all of these may at least throw up greater number of options which may enable better reasoning rather then a fixation to lesser  ambit of knowledge or lesser number of sciences or languages.

A person who has the ability to learn different genres of music definitely appreciates every music better.

A person who tastes different types of cuisine definitely is in a better position to judge about tastes of food.

Nothing is superior but the more the merrier and variety is not only the spice of life but sign qua non of happy living.

Monotony is so boring in any sphere of human pursuit.

Greek tragedy

Greek tragedy was what was happening at national level as to what is happening to our railways and banks.

There are 3 times more pensioners than employees and the pension amount is almost 60 percent of railway expenditure.

This needs to be balanced.

We cannot let down the old and besides it is only a promised deferred payment of salary.

However, on the other hand because of this more number of educated and qualified youth are not being recruited and that creates educated unemployed youth who can turn into potential depression patients or criminals.

All these will have to be balanced at a macro level for which responsible individuals must act reasonably at family level with social responsibility at micro level.

With more elders to take care medically and more children to be fed and educated ,  the earning members will get fed up soon as they need to spend at both ends without even having time to think about what they are doing with their earning.

At least for earning members it is ok. Imagine the plight of those who are neither earning nor have inherited wealth nor sponsors.

That's why employment, earning, social security, minimum wages insurance in the event of lay off or no work are very vital aspects of the economy at micro level.

If they are not addressed properly as an important aspect of social engineering then the adverse impact will manifest at macro level.

More than wealth disparity and inequality, which are inevitable for various reasons and justifications it is mounting unemployment tjhat would create more vulnerable youth who could be easily exploited by the vested interest lobbies and mafias as their foot soldiers


The problem is we as a nation work on defending the undeserving, justifying the unjustifiable, resorting to unloving criticism and uncritical love, hero worshiping and deifying and many other vulnerabilities so much do that we seldom see and observe facts as they are and fail to appreciate performances anyone in existing contexts with immense limitations, enormous compulsions and exaggerated expectations and on top of it all media manipulated narratives and misinterpretations etc.

Evaluation is a very deep science to be performed dispassionately and which must be devoid of prejudices and factor in various aspects with inherent attributes of the issue or thing and their contractual relevance along with considerations for the sensitivities of the performers and so on.

perspectives wider ones

Marvelous and this reminds why some of the  greatest authors with wider perspectives were pilots.

If we bother to observe closely scholars are of two kinds those who want to know why things and lives are so and those who seek specific outcomes out of lives and things.

I am not saying either one is preferable or better than the other.

While great Saints, Scientists, Mathematicians, Philosophers have all explained well the world and its workings with wide ranging frames of references, still, they are restricted to a certain extent by the very love and mastery of the means and tools they used to observe the world.

However, among them , some evolutionary biologists, neuro- surgeons, some astrologers, astronomers, astrophysicists, geologists, top mathematicians, poly glottal linguists and pilots seem to observe the inherent complexities, varieties and infinitely comprehensive patterns and structures, all of which may elude the normal comprehension but the above referred category of scholars are able to see without any inhibition all the above facts as manifested in micro details as well as macro view, and are able to reconcile with some amount of equanimity and deep sense of balance that there are many things that are still mysteriously marvelous and beyond the ken of human intellectual explanations.

Therefore, their perspectives about lives and planets are more observation oriented than opinion and ideology based.

Hence, more tolerant as they merely observe how lives and planets are and try to find out why they are so.

While those in certain domains like politics and religion try to fix how lives and things must be and proceed to find out what must be done to make them fall into fixations.

That's why there are fights and controversies among religions and politics.

Father's Day in general

Father's Day a few years back someone asked me to write a 500 word article.

Whether it is Mother's Day or Father's Day, parenting has a lot of nice things and offers many lessons.

Any relationship we may choose to evaluate or expect aspects like trust, reciprocation, gratitude, understanding and multitude of other compatibility aspects and trade-offs.

However, when it is the parental relationship, none of those are expected and that is the very beauty of this unique relationship where most things are present, taken for granted and most importantly many sublime factors are on offer like unqualified affection, care and love.

Best part is till children grow up it is mostly one way traffic.

This is perhaps the reason why our tradition has placed duty bound reverence in this order Matha, Pitha, Guru, Daivam. [Mother, Father, Teacher and God] 

Parenting involves too many things with too much of involvement.

Many of which may be contradictions, blatant manifestations of hypocrisy etc.

However, they all work together with too many strong ,personal , interpersonal emotions like care, concern, some amount of possessiveness, obsessive protectionism, sentimentalism, indescribable love which does not seek reciprocation; being and wanting to be physically and mentally available; wanting and willing to eagerly participate in the growth and evolution of the children etc. 

All of these can be realized only when one is or becomes a parent.

However, the following advice brings some sanity to otherwise too involved parenting.

"When you parent, it’s crucial you realize you aren’t raising a ‘mini me’ but a spirit throbbing with its own Signtaure- Dr. Shefali Tsabary.

This is nothing but what JK used to say as allowing the inward flowering.

Parenting very often does not know to differentiate between involvement and intrusion.

All said and done life is best ensconced only in the warmth of parental love which can be taken for granted at any circumstance.

People whose parents are no more alive, when they think of them, many fond memories cascade down the spine and fine feelings gush up the spine and both together flood the heart and choke the throat.

We all need to relish with love the relationship of our parents for whatever they did or did not or could not do and as parents let us do whatever we can to our children with love.

Literary festival farce in India

Literary festival  organizers do not want to listen.
I believe in calling a spade a spade.

Any or all forum(s) or platform(s) of literature that do not allow various frames of references to be generated for perception, different perspectives for perusal, but instead, gets into parochial preconceived petrified ideological templated parade shows deserve to be ignored by all sane souls who would like to understand and learn and get enlightened.

So, I feel there are individuals, institutions and events which must be shown who or what they are.
Passive silence or violent reactions both give undue publicity to them, which is the only thing they are itching for.

These so called lit fests have become a littering pests long back.

It is a pity if someone takes them seriously.

Most of these bunch are backed by and even sponsored by certain ideological outfits ad nauseum.
They think it is their exclusive privilege to appropriate lofty titles and labels and assign terms or labels bearing negative connotations to their selectively picked targets.

These fests are the greatest disservice and insult to LITERATURE.

They neither help one to appreciate nor learn or understand anything.

They do not even offer great knowledge or multiple ideas to ignite thoughts.

These events are run by a herd from psuedo-knowledge industry for publicity and peddling some pet ideologies.

As Aldous Huxley writes in his essay ' knowlege and understanding',
" Meaningless pseudo-knowledge has at all times been one of the principal motivators of individual and collective action.......always results in the kind of mess .......they cherish the comforting delusion that knowledge and, above all pseudo- knowledge are understanding".

If I may use frank, brash and correct description throwing to wind any diplomatic terminologies these events are pure and adulterated filthy masturbation of select ideologies spiced with secretion of verbal diarrhea.


Suggestions to improve her writing I can only say these sir.

Follow your own impulses, intuition, imaginations but do not get contented with your intelligence, ideas, ideological affinities and interpretations as they may inadvertently, sometimes overlook certain areas of a topic and may miss out certain nuances.

Writing, like teaching, is basically a very interesting journey of learning, interaction,  introspection etc.

The best way to improve writing is to keep reading a lot and keep writing every day.

Constant practice is important.

Don't get obsessed with rules or notions of perfection or endorsement by others.

Observe different styles, enhance knowledge and more importantly improve understanding of any topic without any restraining bias or restrictive ideological pinnings.

Ensure whatever is being written is contextually relevant.

While interpreting any issue, idea or imagination never allow limiting frames of references or parochial perspectives to prevent broader vision and greater view of anything.

Also, If it may be of any significance when you get time read the following.


I have been following almost all the write ups of Hans Gersbach and Volker and Winker.

They throw open lot of unbiased observations, good ideas too in the realm of Finance, Economics, Entrepreneurship, political system.

Their criticisms and suggestions are very nice and useful but unfortunately not implementable in all regions or societies, especially those in the process of social engineering involving weaning away from entrenched in religious doctrine oriented traditions and excessive adoration of the past etc.

As proposing and penetration of new ideas and systems becomes tougher in terrains occupied by luddites of various hues and colors like status quo addicts, confirmation bias admirers and venerators of their own past tinged with an inherent insecured xenophobic reactions.

But sooner or later the inevitable changes will inundate life as a part of evolution beyond and despite all resistances.

I even went ahead and suggested to classify many such good articles in the realms of socio-political economics into categories like the unexplored, worth exploring and the unknown to bring in a big pool of idea bank from which the administrators can choose their cup of tea.

One may add at personal level selfish, hypocritical and at times narcissistic as well.


Learning starts out of curiosity; saunters through limitation; steps into conscious observation and stops to savour into expressing whatever is learnt through some medium and in some way.

Ironically the very process of excessive spawning of multitude of expressions through Social media throws up enormous variety which extinguish over simplification and over generalization and renders orchestration of mass opinion ineffective.

Though all opinions need not be sane or sublime but nonetheless gives room for everyone to express what they want and that is perhaps the very reason for its popularity.

Intellectual interaction versus futile ideological friction

Intellect must be sharpened through multitude of ideas, perspectives and perception enlarged by applying many frames of references from various sources.

However, intellectual mind space must not be wasted by having friction with sources suffering from petrified ideological fixations, putrefied perspectives and people with such parochial perceptions who try to extrapolate such ideology to everything in the universe.

They cannot operate beyond their confirmation bias ( even bias has no plural in their scheme of things)

Foreign meddling

Trend of foreign outfits is to selec shallow attention seekers who extrapolate out of context some imported political ideology to evaluate everything from art to culture to tradition to social systems etc.

This disease is part of the tool kit of that imported ideology which indoctrinates selected candidates with obsession and certain templates  of slogans.

Normally they emsure that the candidates selected are good at something or popular in society with good articulation skills so that marketing the ideology becomes easier.

Education is not clearly definable

Unfortunately, the tendency to streotypically oversimplify anything will generate equal and opposite reaction.

Both are equally correct and wrong because both view the subject from their own frames of reference and perspective.

I always say mass literacy, democracy, anti-biotics are followed for want of better universally appilicable alternatives.

It is therefore, too narrow to think acquiring an academic qualification as a passport to a career and wrong to presume that by itself it may  confer a comfortable, happy, peaceful and meaningful life.

It is equally wrong to dismiss as meaningless all attempts to enable everyone to eke out some livelihood to make life at least materially comfortable and also contribute to the overall multitude of activities which ultimately go on to create a welfare state and also may assure the basic necessities of majority of people are fulfilled through their own efforts and equipped with some knowledge and skill sets.

Meaning of education which spans from names sake literacy, to mere cosmetic certification of academic qualification, to scholarly research, to enjoying and getting in depth into a subject, to contributing something to society through what one learns, to indoctrinating someone into some ideology, to engaging and guiding at least some parts of humanity to enlightened approaches and perspectives to life and so on.

So , any one of the above aspect or many more left out in the above list must not be either over zoomed and excessively emphasised as a streotyped and homogeneous prescription or purpose of education.

Every human being besides and beyond his/ her physical and mental abilities also has to allow the inward flowering of the soul within with the spendour of variety.

I am just quoting two of the articles

1. The Whys of Education.

2. Obsession about settling down