
Friday, April 9, 2021



​​Awards across the globe are always controversial starting from Nobel Prize (well documented several decades ago by Irving Wallace in his book The Prize)



We must never spoil the day for recipients or givers, instead, just congratulate them.



Awards generate a very important unintended consequence, that is, the visibility of the recipient to the publicity hungry world.



Certain exceptions are some realms of science (even here there are too many people in the link from the first person who observed a phenomenon or possibility, the person who conceptualized a hypothesis, a pioneer who discovered/ invented the fundamental aspect, the person who experimented, updated, documented, explained and enabled application, then the technological utilisation of it - case in point which has not got a Nobel Prize and which is the most important thing next only to breath! INTERNET).



Justin Pollard’s book titled BOFINOLOGY reveals the ugly but real stories behind our greatest scientific discoveries’.



In sports ( even here on the way before final outcome many omissions and commissions can happen- a single wrong line call in Tennis, a penalty kick in football, LBW decision in cricket).



Unsung, unrecognised and unrewarded heroes are too many who keep the ocean alive while lashing waves ( the publicity department of the ocean) are admired by all as that frothy, sandy mix of water is what is visible to those on shores.



We get reminded of John Keats' famous lines in ' Ode on a Grecian Urn’, which says it all, “Heard melodies are sweet, but those UNHEARD ARE SWEETER".




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