
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Scientific Research

Researches in Science

I got this article two months back and I mailed to many. I even posted it if I remember correctly in FB group science matrix or something like that wherein only research students are members.

It is indeed pathetic that there is no actual real research at all nowadays it is either mixture of data , materials, existing literature in the specific field etc presented in a pleasant manner or inputs fed in by guides for a fee; there is no research in pure science at all unless it can advance some technology which can in turn propel some business or some research which can enhance the pharma industry  or pesticide industry or it must in some remote way help enhanced military operation, cyber scheming etc .

There  is also that purely academic elite pleasing field of very high research in the field of physics where  they keep piling hypotheses upon hypotheses and they are a virtual island of research pleasure loving crowds like the crowds at classical music concerts ,only they know its value and pleasure,,. However they are criticized by many other scientist who feels application in practical life, of these research works, which is the sine qua non of science is missing here, so they feel these research works are done more out of pleasure and aesthetic appeal rather than utility.  At present the business of all research is pure business. This is in the field of science and in other fields research is no research at all, it is vomiting of materials  gobbled up from search Engines, peppered with survey reports, sauced with statistics etc. Anyone involved in research in pure science with great enthusiasm is bound to get frustrated after some time seeing everything happening around to discourage the pursuit of research to the maximum.
The culture and context together offering a conducive atmosphere alone can encourage academics to work on certain fields or even for that matter any intellectual to embellish.
You can witness this trend operated impact manifesting in many fields. There was a period which encouraged great literature, there was a period which encouraged great movies, now it is filthy movies, there was a period when sitcoms were only about triangular love stories and romantic drivel like bold and beautiful, now we have better stuff like big bang theory, gray’s anatomy etc. There was a period which encouraged astronomical research very much, there was a period which promoted mathematical research, and there was then research in political and administrative reforms and economic systems throwing up lot of materials in social inventions.

Similarly there was a time from the late 17th century till mid 19th century when all scientific research were encouraged  and promoted and these scientific research produced industries and promoted military might and subsequently which then took an upper hand and started defining what are the areas in which scientific research must be confined to and who is to sponsor and for what purpose etc all these and the craze for taking credit for [ which is like eternal masturbation] discoveries and inventions have led to too much politics, bogus claims, suppression of really worthy works etc.

Justin Pollard’s book titled BOFINOLOGY which reveals the ugly ‘the real stories behind our greatest scientific discoveries’ like for example ‘”Archimedes never said ‘Eureka’ and hated baths anyway”, Thales “credited as ‘the father of science’, whose only real claim to fame is that he often fell into ditches” and this book reveals how eleven people have claimed to have invented the stream engine etc

However, beyond all these dirty politics and polluting trends and catastrophic cultures ,still , if there is any field of activity that has helped humanity’s advance more tangibly meaningful  and life in general more comfortable and brought people out of their caves of blind beliefs and trite traditions and helped them to see and savor the world with ease and in better ways than all the rest the credit must go and still goes to scientific inventions, discoveries and the multiple technologies that they have given to the world. In short it is a supra religion, along with bold philosophical inquiries, which has pushed aside the many useless diatribes of centuries of religious edicts, narrow ethnocentric pronouncements and bluffs of history which were irrelevant to life.

So, with all the hindrances, still, one may pursue research as a hobby or at least munch it in mind and mindfully follow it up whenever one can afford it. I wish all of you read the wonderful book by Thomas Crump ‘A brief history of science as seen through the development of scientific instruments’ to get an idea as to how these inventions have shaped our lives in many ways.

Unless one is rich like Michio Kaku doing serious research is out of the reach of many well  meaning middle class students for many of whom research will remain either a journey of many failed attempts to succeed or a frustrating dream, but that need not necessarily discourage anyone because researches, discoveries and inventions are always useful sometimes they result in fruitful and satisfactory outcomes to those involved and other times the credit goes to someone else or the fruits or benefits of research come out through some other source from somewhere else, it benefits humanity all the same.

So criticism of all the ugly aspects of research is not to discourage researchers and research works but either do away with these ugly aspects or proceed with researches ignoring these ugly aspects and politics.

Life is an unmapped atlas which gets its maps based on our choices, beliefs, actions, reactions, thoughts, attitudes etc and it is our hands to make each one of these continents as great and as good as possible.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

life is an

Life is an unmapped atlas which gets its maps based on our choices, beliefs, actions, reactions, thoughts, attitudes etc and it is in our hands to make each one of these continents as great and as good as possible . Choice

C reator
H as
O bviously many things
I n place for us to
C hoose, so let us choose the best and
E mancipate.

A ll
T hings may
T ry to
I nvite
T he attention but it is
U ser’s privilege to
D ecide and
E lect what he/she wants.

A ny
T ype of
T hing or
I ndividual evolve
T hrough
U niversal law of
D ecisions to select and
E lect among a whole range of choices.

The hangover of various resolutions lingers on. What are resolutions? They are just the choices we make by shifting our priorities. In reality it is nothing but our choice. That’s why I have included choice read the interesting link

For this New Year I wrote this essay New Year with a New Realization of Reality

Saturday, February 22, 2014


I think we are making mistakes after mistakes first it was analyzing and evaluating everything based on statistics and now cybertricks. Let us not strangulate science with the wrong tools and misplaced frames of reference and above all let not political leaders sit on judgment on everything with their half baked knowledge, selective sources of information and posturing of pseudo  concerns.

Telangana issue is it too complicated? Can a different prioritizing give satisfactory solutions to all the stake holders?

Telangana issue is it too complicated? Can a different prioritizing give satisfactory solutions to all the stake holders?

Do not miss to read the brief history of events at the end.

I started writing about Andra, initially highlighting some of its salient features like its sweet  language Telugu, great dance  form  Kuchipudi , some of the very great personalities the state and the language has given to the world [ because their impact has been global] then I proceeded to write  district wise. I have given the links to all these blogs below.

Naturally I was equally aware of this obvious Telangana  issue as well and I got a brief about Telangana  from some internet  group in 2008 which is also given below.

But then I felt I must put aside all the known factors and get to look into what and why so many people who were speaking the same language, sharing everything common all of a sudden have been divided into two camps the beneficiaries and losers.

Here in I am not trying to oversimplify the complexities knowing well almost all spheres of life in general, more so matters pursued with political impetus, are bound to be not only complex but also complicated. I also know that modern day system inherently is evolving in such way everything is too complex , more the complication and more complex somethings are , the merrier certain professionals are, let me not get into the details of this.

Here I stopped and recollected what M. Scott Peck said, “Abandon the urge to simplify everything, to look for formulas and easy answers, and to begin to think multidimensionally, to glory in the mystery and paradoxes of life, not to be dismayed by the multitude of causes and consequences that are inherent in each experience -- to appreciate the fact that life is complex”, what John Zabat-Zinn said, "The little things? The little moments? They aren't little”, what Jerry Brown expressed , “I see the world in very fluid, contradictory, emerging, interconnected terms, and with that kind of circuitry I just don't feel the need to say what is going to happen or will not happen."

As a staunch believer in analyzing anything only with reference to contexts, rather than aimlessly diverting through multiple escape channels like singing praise about past amities and glories forgetting the present worries, doting out political or ideological  vindications to whatever has happened, creating catchy collective sloganeering  to sabotage  individual reasoning, resorting to street protests to seek media publicity,  or whipping up  passions with all its ugly antics, arrogating myself to sit on judgment on all matters like TV anchors or act like the feigning petty know-all newspaper or news channel reporter etc but instead honestly wanted to sincerely evaluate the situation.

This coupled with an unshakable optimist in me looking for the bright lights for illumination in dark times; I ventured to look into this Telangana issue.

Sometimes disorders are inevitable aspect of evolutionary trends that we can neither wish away nor can we run away from them as Vita Sackville West says, "It isn't that I don't like sweet disorder, but it has to be judiciously arranged."

The divide is obvious but what is the main factor or ingredient that troubles all the stakeholders in this division, is it any real estate veneration for Hydrabad or Hydragood? [with copious water resources] No, then what it is?

It is a national malady promoted and perpetrated by all our rulers [I mean PMs] post independence , except for two brief periods of P.V.Narasimha Rao and A.B. Vajpayee, lack of overall development, especially total lack of development outside the cities. If we look deep into it, many problems like slum dwellers, many problems of the cities are the result of this lopsided growth or no economic development at all outside the cities.

Whoever forms the next government at the center hopefully must ensure to prioritize development of places outside the cities and follow it up with performance to ensure success and happiness then, only then, this country can progress. A sort of progress which ensures that people everywhere in the country are happy , people everywhere get good potable water, people everywhere get electricity [but pay for it as no CM can authorize or reward the defaulters like some CM did recently because it is a national resource not a CMs personal property], good roads, better sanitation, hospitals, educational institutions, industrial and agricultural growth leading to employment generation so that thousands of people from UP, NORTH East etc need not migrate to Gujarat, Bangalore or Chennai or Delhi or Mumbai for employment.

Gujarat has done exceedingly well on this score and Tamilnadu and Maharastra to a certain extent but all other states are lagging behind in this. I am not politically motivated at all in this comment.

To me economics, like many things in life, is all about unbiased observations, unprejudiced perceptions, doing away with defensive statistical justifications, cutting off camouflaging irrelevant logical fallacies, chaffing off bombastic jargons, curtailing the instinct to churn out untested or untestable theories  and instead engage in interpretations of all the observed facts  uninfluenced by any ideological affiliations taking into consideration various factors that impact and/or involved in these facts appropriate to the context and relevant to the region.

This is where I would like to share with everyone what I have read and enjoyed from the works of Julian L.Simon, whom I rate as one among the many great economists.

Here are some parts with summaries of some chapters of one of his work THE ULTIMATE RESOURCE culled from the internet

The late Julian Simon led a vigorous challenge to conventional beliefs about scarcity of energy and natural resources, the effects of immigration, and the 'perils of overpopulation'. 

"A professor giving a lecture on energy declares that the world will perish in seven billion years' time because the sun will then burn out. One of the audiences becomes very agitated, and asks the professor to repeat what he said, and then, completely reassured, heaves a sigh of relief, 'Phew! I thought he said seven million years!'" 
     - Sauvy 1976 
Our whole evolution up to this point shows that human groups spontaneously evolve patterns of behaviour, as well as patterns of training people for that behaviour, which tend on balance to lead people to create rather than destroy. Humans are, on net balance, builders rather than destroyers. The evidence is clear: the civilization which our ancestors have bequeathed to us contains more created works than the civilization they were bequeathed. In short, humankind has evolved into creators and problem solvers. Our constructive behaviour has counted for more than our using-up and destructive behaviour, as seen in our increasing length of life and richness of consumption. Julian L.Simon continues ..
Consider these countries, and try to guess which one(s) is (are) rich and which poor: (1) Landlocked, mountainous, almost no oil or metals or other extractive resources, little flat farmland, high population density; (2) So flat and low that it is in constant danger of being flooded by the ocean (which has happened many times in its history), high population density, no natural resources; (3) Fastest population growth rate, and largest rate of immigration, in the world in the past half century, very high population density, no natural resources (not even fresh water); (4) Low population density, huge stores of natural resources, much fertile farmland. 
In order the first three countries are Switzerland, Holland, and Hong Kong. The fourth country might be most of the countries in Africa or South America. The first three are among the richest and most economically vibrant countries on Earth; many of the fourth group are dirt poor.
"Dr Paul Ehrlich predicted that the ocean could be as dead as Lake Erie by 1979. Today Lake Erie is palatable, and Dr Ehrlich still is not."
     - PJ O'Rourke, "All The Trouble In The World" 
If Indians and Americans exchanged countries, in a few decades the United States would look like India now, and India like the United States. 
The most important benefit of population size and growth is the increase it brings to the stock of useful knowledge. Minds matter economically as much as, or more than, hands or mouths. In the long run the basic forces  influencing the state of humanity and its progress are the number of people who are alive to consume, but also to produce goods and knowledge; and the level of wealth. 

Wealth is far more than assets such as houses and cars. The essence of wealth is the capacity to control the forces of nature, and the extent of wealth depends upon the level of technology and the ability to create new knowledge. A wealthy world can find remedies for a new disease more quickly than can a poor world, because the wealthy world possesses stocks of knowledge and skilled persons. That's why wealthy groups live longer, with better health and fewer accidental deaths. 

It is a proof of our extraordinary success in healing the Earth that the horrors of the past which were transmitted by filthy air and water are no longer even thought of as pollutants. Now that we have largely overcome humanity's historic enemies - wild animals, hunger, epidemic disease, heat and cold - we worry about a large new class of phenomena in the environment and society. This saying expresses this idea: No food, one problem; plenty of food, many problems.
Some say 'If we have more children, when they grow up there will be more adults who can push the nuclear button and kill civilization'. True. More generally, as one writer reduced the matter to an absurdity: 'All human problems can be solved by doing away with human beings'. But to have more children grow up is also to have more people who can find ways to avert catastrophe.
"Multitudes of people, necessity, and liberty have begotten commerce in Holland." 
- David Hume, "Of the Rise and Progress of the Arts and Sciences"
In that short sentence, Hume summarized everything important about economic progress - economic liberty, which comes from a country being 'ruled by laws rather than men,' allows people to make the most of their individual talents and opportunities; necessity - that is, in Holland's case, the lack of great stretches of fertile land on which to grow crops easily, and therefore the necessity of creating new fertile land by fighting the sea for that land; and multitudes of people - the human talent to invent new ways of doing things and of organizing and effective society.

Links to my blogs on Andra
Brief about Telangana  from some internet  group in 2008 as to why Telangana way back in 2008
 Before to direct conflict I want to give some brief introduction about our both region.
History and statistics of Telangana and Andhra regions:
· It is yet to be established about the point of origin of the Telugu language. Telugu
is a predominant language in Southern part of India. Speakers of Telugu are
spread from Deccan region to the East coast region of India.
· Hyderabad state had total 16 districts: 8 Telangana + 5 Marat Wada + 3 Kannada
speaking districts.
· Nizam dynasty ruled it from 1724 to 1948.
· Struggle against the king started somewhere in 1943 and it reached new heights
after 17th August 1947 as king refused to join the Indian union as he had an idea
of making it a part of Pakistan.
· Police action started on September 13th and on September 17th of 1948 Hyderabad
state became a part of Indian Union.
· Telangana saw its 1st elected government of Boorgula Ramakrishna Rao in 1952,
the 4 years vacuum in government sector was filled by people of Andhra region.
· Then started the MULKI struggle (mulk stands for state in Urdu), GAIR MULKI
GO BACK was the slogan at that time. It was a very simple but effective tactic
by the Govt of India to control the people, officers from Andhra region were
placed to monitor the activities in Telangana, for example police of Telangana
state was formed by constables from Telangana region and officers from Andhra
region. I need not remind you how well will our police department work and it is
the direct govt in many places.
Andhra Rastra creation and role of Sri Potti Sri Ramulu Garu:
On 19th of October 1952 Sri Potti Sri Ramulu Garu
started indefinite hunger strike for separation of Telugu speaking people from Madras
presidency, on 29th October 1952 central government has accepted for the separate state
formation for Andhra region,but some political leaders raised the slogan separate state along with
Madras as its capital.These leaders requested Sri Potti Sri Ramulu Garu to continue the hunger
strike untill madras as its capital.The tamilians has refused to give madras as capital. He died on
15th December 1952 the 63rd day of fasting and Delhi cleared the way for Andhra Rastra, and on
1st October 1953 Andhra Rastra was created with Kurnool as capital. Later Andhra Pradesh was
formed by merging Telugu speaking areas of Hyderabad State and Andhra State on November
1, 1956 under gentlemen’s Agreement.


There was a demand for language based state in several parts of the country and so
among few Telugu speaking people of south India.
SRC was commissioned by Delhi and was headed by Supreme Court judge Fazal
Ali. He clearly mentioned that 8 Telugu speaking districts of Hyderabad state should
be clubbed into a state called Telangana and if interested in future its assembly must
vote with 2/3rd majority so that Telangana can be a part of a United Telugu state.
He made points both for and against the unification:

AGAINST unification:

1. It is not good to merge two regions which are unequal in development
2. Andhra is in deficit budget and Telangana is in surplus and there is every danger
of the surplus being used by deficit region
3. People of Andhra are well versed with English and telugu education if a state is
unified under telugu banner then Telangana people will be the losers because for
generations telugu was not administrative language (Urdu was the administrative
language here)
4. Telangana is a plateau region where as the Andhra is plain and fertile utilization
of water resources will be unequal under a unified state.
FOR unification:
1. Andhra region will benefit from the infrastructure of Hyderabad and hence the
problem of their capital (read it as capital in tents) will be solved.
2. Both regions can exchange food and mineral resources so that there can be an
all around development. (now anyone can easily verify what amount of
minerals Telangana lost to this unified state but what amount of food it got in
In 1956 C.M’s (chief ministers) of Hyderabad(prently named as telangana nad named hyderabad
to its capital) and
Andhra Rastra met in Hyderabad, and leaders from both regions participated in it.
ANDHRA leaders: Bejawada Gopal Reddy, Neelam Sanjeev Reddy, Alluri
Satyanarayana Raju, Gautu Lacchnna
TELANGANA leaders: Boorgula Ramakirshna Rao, konda Venkata Reddy, Marri
Chenna Reddy, J.V. Narsimhlu Both the groups came to an agreement on the formation of state
and on 1st November 1956.

The main points of the treaty made during unification:
1. If one region gets post of chief minister then the other region has to get the
post of deputy chief minister and out of ministries of home, finance, revenue,
trade, planning , industries any of the two ministries should be given to
Telangana MLA’s. (as soon as Sanjeev reddy of Andhra region became CM
of AP he abolished the post of Deputy CM)
2. Prohibition of liquor consumption in Andhra region but not in Telangana ( the
excise amount collected in Telangana was used by AP but not Telangana)
3. Cost of administration should be in ratio of 2:1 (Andhra: Telangana) (the
surplus of Telangana which was left by Nizam was used by AP state)
4. Appointment for jobs on ratio of population (now the qualifications were set
high which made the Urdu educated youth as unqualified)
5. If there is a need to remove government job holders then they should be
removed in equal ratio (if the recruitment is not in a equal ratio don’t expect
the removal to be in equal ratio)
6. Residence of 12 years was compulsory to get jobs. (which was brought down
to 4 years by agitation of JAI ANDHRA in 1970’s)
7. Andhra people should not buy lands of Telangana farmers
(implementation of this point need not be explained by me).
8. Cabinet allocation must be in ration of 3:2(Andhra: Telangana) and a Muslim
from Telangana must be in the cabinet.
Thus Andhra Pradesh became 1st state which formed on basis of language.
(Leaders made a mockery of democracy don’t they know how things are run in a
democracy? Did they seek permission of people from both the regions for the
unification? The attitude was similar to Scottish noble men, in English we call it
Horse trading.

· The then P.M Jawaharlal Nehru on 5th march 1955 while he was in tour of
Nizamabad district of Telangana state was asked to comment on Andhra
Pradesh state, in reply he made a statement “EK MASOOM BHOLI BHALI
need to know a bit poetry and politics to understand this, he said an innocent girl
(Telangana) is being wed to a clever boy (Andhra Rasthram) it is of their choice
to continue or to get separated. Here he speaks about a plebiscite ie., a referendum
(people can vote yes or no in it). When will government seek the decision by
direct vote?
The only two commonalities in between these two regions is they speak Telugu and they
are all Indians. The story of Rayalaseema was altogether different, after winning
Rayalaseema which was in hands of different rulers Britishers included it in its madras
Now let us try to look into things that happened after independence.
· Nizam who remained here had no political significance he feared the charges of
genocide and left to turkey with his family, and what was left in Telangana was a
huge power vacuum.
· Andhra region was lucky enough as they had a first hand experience of how
things will run in post independence India because Indian union adopted the same
British democracy which Andhra people were well acquaintance with.
· Local landlords of Telangana remained intact as they were not talking of union
with Pakistan and Delhi did not feel they were a threat to the union. Moreover as
the landlords had access to modern education they realized the benefit of joining
the congress party. Now the people of Telangana fell into the fire from the pan,
the new enemy was a part of the system and any move against them will be
counted as an outlaw.
· The whole story in India and even in Telangana starts here, as it is free India now
everyone has equal right on assets. But practically land lords were holding long
stretches of land and were reluctant to give the rights.
Here the ruling party at the centre (I need not name it) found a best way to solve
this problem the same old way of asking and persuading which brought us freedom.
This might work in every other place but will that work in Telangana?
The answer would be NO because we did not beg for freedom, we SNATCHED it
from the oppressor and so will be the case of lands, so began the struggle for the land.
That is why the Naxalbury movement on 1967 turned into an alternate solution for
the problems of land distribution in Telangana, the state which should look after its
people once again stood by the oppressor and crushed the people of Telangana.

Telangana Movement 1969:

This movement was raised by Marri Chenna Reddy when kasu Bramhananda
Reddy was the then CM of AP, people agitated fiercely and the new PM Inidra
Gandhi was observing the events (as what Sonia Gandhi is doing now). Nearly
400 people (90% students) of Telangana died.
In 1969 few points were made to ease the tensions:
1. All the employees who got employment against the rules shall be removed
( not implemented till date)
2. Action against those who got in with JAALI certificates ( no action taken
against any such persons)
3. Extension of mulki rules to local administration.
4. Seniority must be respected as per the Supreme Court orders.
5. Funds siphoned from Telangana must be given back ( ?????)
6. Increase the educational facilities in Hyderabad (nothing from government
was established but we can feel the heat of Andhra corporate colleges here
in Telangana now)
Telangana praja samiti party won 10 MP (Member of Parliament) seats
but same old story of noble men, treachery followed victory. All the winners
joined in congress and Chenna Reddy became CM of AP and hence called off
the struggle.
You find statues of potti sriramulu all over AP but all the 400 odd who died in
1969 Separate Telangana agitation did not find place even in Government
JAI ANDHRA movement:

Supreme Court of India denied to accept the case filed by people of
Andhra region and solidified the MULKI rules, then started Jai Andhra
movement and result was a death blow to Telangana, the following decisions
were taken to ease the tensions:

1. All the mulki rules were quashed
2. Telangana regional committee was cancelled
3. People started claiming Hyderabad as FREE ZONE (it is written no
where in records about free zone)
4. Period of residence brought down from 12 to 4 years
5. Govt stopped maintaining separate accounts for both the regions.
The Developments:
 Andhra Rayalaseema Telangana
Junior colleges 266 138 176
Degree colleges 167 70 74
All kinds of schools 26,786 12,857 17,594
Teachers in schools 88,435 38,552 65,040
Literacy rate 39% 38% 30%
Amount spent on aided Junior colleges (in crores) 17.4 7.73 2.63
Amount spent on aided Junior colleges (in crores) from 1969 365 162 55
Amount spent on aided degree colleges (in crores) 38.52 8.74 5.76
Amount spent on  aided Junior colleges (in crores) from 1956 848 181 181
Primary schools (%) 48 23 29
Information as per 2001-02 government records
At any point Telangana with its 10 districts is either given a status equal to or less than
Rayalaseema with 4 districts, now if you compare with Andhra the picture will be
For every 1 lakh Andhra people and 70,000 Rayalaseema people there is a government
junior college and in Telangana for every 6 lakhs students there is a government junior
In case of govt degree college in both the regions for every 1,75,000 students there is a
college and 3,75,000 Telangana students have a college.

Osmania was established by Nizam in 1918 so that cant be a credit of AP, now let us look
at the universities in AP:
Andhra+ Rayalaseema regions:
1. Nagarjuna University- Guntur : 1976
2. Srikrishna devaraya University- Anantapur:1978
3. Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam - Tirupathi : 1983
4. NTR University of Health Sciences – Vijayawada : 1986
5. Dravida bhasa University-kuppam-2002
6. Vemana University- kadapa-2006
7. Raja Raja narendra University-rajamundry-2006
8. Andhra University-vishakapatnam-1925 (this cant be credited to independent
9. Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha- Tirupathi (Chittoor) -1985
10. Sri Vinkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences (upgraded to medical university in

1. National Institute of Technology-warangal-1959
2. Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University –Hyderabad-1964
3. Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University-Hyderabad-1972
4. The English & Foreign language university-Hyderabad-upgraded to university in-1973
5. kakatiya University-warangal-1976
6. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open university-Hyderabad- 1982
7. Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University-Hyderabad-1985
8. Maulana Azad National Urdu University-Hyderabad-1998
9. International Institute of Information Technology-Hyderabad-1998
10. Telangana University-nizamabad-2006
11. mahatma Gandhi university- Nalgonda-2006
University of Hyderabad was established in 1974, it is similar to all other central
universities 80% of its seats should be filled by local (Telangana students) as per the
initial rules but once again think rationally in 1970’s you establish a central university
for P.G’s and further education what was the basic qualification in Telangana at that
time? What was the political scene then? Were people ready for it?
Result administration felt that seats are not being filled, so they are now being filled by
people from all over India and other regions of AP.
Many of the colleges in Telangana region as you see are limited to Hyderabad and here
government calls that they lie in Telangana but recruitment is done by treating them as
free zone colleges.

I would like to start with the Singur Project on Mangeera River it was built to irrigate
the fields of Medak but it was used to quench thirst of Hyderabad which is filled with
settlers. Why are they fetching water from a Telangana district? And the Rs 250 crores
that was spent on this project was shown to be spent on Telangana.When this question
was raised government brought Krishna water to Hyderabad in a gigantic feat by laying

 huge pipe lines. Are we not acting like Romans by just taking care of capital and leaving
other places to their fate and when their raise voice state uses police to crush their voices

Built on: River Krishna.
Location: Nalgonda district. 21 villages of Nalgonda got submerged.
Krishna will enter in Mahboobnagar and 69% of its path is in Telangana and 13% in
Andhra region and Rayalaseema 18%.
But Andhra uses 65% of its water, and Rayalaseema uses 20% of its water.
Right canal and left canal of this dam are supposed to provide equal water to Andhra and
Telangana regions respectively, now for various reasons Andhra are getting water to
irrigate 20 lakhs acres and Telangana is getting water for only for 5 lakh acres.
Thanks to K.L Rao, the designer of the dam.
The result is the fields which are being cultivated in Guntur are more than 10 Telangana

Built on: river Krishna
Location: Kurnool district of Rayalaseema
Mahboobnagar which fell in the catchment area of the dam lost 117 villages. 2 lakhs
people were made homeless, now I need not talk about compensation it is similar all over
India 1st vacate them and they had to leave it to fate and lead rest of their life in slums
Palamoor of Mahboobnagar got its name as it was rich in cultivation and domestic
animals were very abundant. Now after this dam was constructed the picture turned
upside down, after Orissa Palamoor is the largest provider of Migrating labour.
Project Tungabhadra:
Built on: river Tungabhadra
Nizam started the project in 1948 and is supposed to give 20TMC (Thousand Million
Cubic Feet) of water to Mahboobnagar, but the canal which was to siphon water till
Mahboobnagar was stopped abruptly.

Rajolibanda diversion
Laid the last nail to the coffin to irrigation in Mahboobnagar it is diverting all water to
Rayalaseema as you know how decent are the leaders of Rayalaseema and their style of
handling democracy.

Bachawat tribunal awarded 17TMC (Thousand Million Cubic Feet) of water to Jurala
project(on river Krishna) and 30 years after the verdict the project capacity has been
reduced to 10 TMC and it is still on hold as govt of AP is hesitating to pay 30crore
compensation to villages in Karnataka and Palamoor is still starving.( government
recently started some work here in agreement with Karnataka government and people
 are full confident that it will stop for one or the other reason)


Of its entire path in AP Godavari flows 79% in Telangana and 21% in Andhra but
numbers change when it comes to irrigation 10% of land in Telangana is irrigated and I
need not tell u about delta irrigation of Andhra.
Pochampad project of Nizamabad which was stared 35 years ago got rechristened as
SRSP (Sri Ram Sagar Project) and it is still waiting for some or the other work to be
done. Gutpa Lift irrigation is yet to function fully. But Telugu Ganga of Andhra region
which was stated 13 years ago is completed and is functioning well.

1. Azam jahi mills-Warangal,
2. Osmania chemicals,
3. Nizam sugars-Nizamabad,
4. Taj glass factory-Hyderabad,
5. Praga tools-Hyderabad,
6. Sirpur paper mills- Adilabad,
7. Singareni Collieries-Adilabad, Karimnagar, Khammam
8. Hyderabad asbestos
Are they sounding something like they were brought by settlers who claim that
they bought investments? Andhra districts had just rice mills before independence, now
by the grace of AP people of Telangana lost what they have. All the companies that I
mentioned above are evidences of rich and varied industrial strength of Telangana region
which are no more.
Let us take a look at the statistics about concessions(subsidies) and number of labourers.

Andhra Rayalaseema Telangana
Electricity (subsidies) 60% 7.5% 12.5%
Agro based industries 54 23 23
National bank loans(%) 54 16 30
Industries 6000 750 1250
Workers (lakhs) 2.56 0.30 0.95
Daily labours(lakhs) 3.16 0.70 0.81

This clearly shows the step motherly treatment of government of AP towards Telangana.
The industries were spread in all districts when it was under nizam but now industries are
located in Hyderabad, whole Rangareddy district is Walloped by Greater Hyderabad,
Medak which has highest number of chemical factories is chocking of pollution, and all
the other districts are still waiting for industries to come. All the industries of Nizam
which gave people of Telangana a great opportunity are now dwindling due to lack of
support or else this can be put in this way that AP govt left them to grow older decay and

610 GO (Government Order):
The then CM N.T. Rama Rao on 30th December 1985 issued G.O number 610 to correct
the mistakes in allocation of jobs from 1975 to 1985. Its main function was to transfer the
Andhra employees to their region and Telangana people will be given jobs in that vacated
places. And 31st march 1986 was dead line for its implementation.
High lights of 610 G.O:

1. All job holders filled in contrast with the rules must be sent back by 31st march
2. All non gazette cadre employees appointed under Jurala, Srisailam ,Sri ram Sagar
projects should be transferred to their zones.

3. Strict action against those who turned to mal practices
4. All appeals regarding this issues must be solved by 31st march 1986
5. All appointments that took place after presidential order must be corrected by 31st
march 1986
As per 1986 calculations 59,000 such jobs were given to non locals in Telangana region
and no discrepancies in Rayalaseema and Andhra regions.
Now what is the solution as per 610 G.O?
Simple and straight the jobs of non locals increased to 2,50,000 + in 20 years of
time after 1986.

I don’t know why great legendary C.M’s words are not implemented?
How will be the implementation of GO 610 is possible, the orders are implemented by
secretariat, by this time you might have understood which region people work in
secretariat. Over a period of time people of Telangana were not given jobs only for the
reason that they cant read and write proper telugu!
Apply a bit rationality 224 years of Urdu rule and all of a sudden you ask us to
compete with Andhra region. Is this a way a people’s govt deal with its people?


The questions regarding Hyderabad:
“Hyderabad is developed by us (said by Andhra people)”

I feel puzzled when I hear this sentence from few
(under educated) youth , once again into the history when the great floods of 1900’s
ravaged away the Hyderabad, Nizam ordered engineers to design the city in a proper
way the result was moksha gundam vishveshwarayya the legendary civil engineer
designed the city with good sanitary system with well lined drainages canals to
discharge the downpour etc., the city was constructed for growing population on
calculated basis (ask a civil engineer you will know how this can be done ).
Now the only aberration here is the addition of 13 more districts to Telangana
districts and Hyderabad was named as the capital. What kind of justice is this? Taxes
of Telangana people were used to build the capital and who are enjoying it?

“We (people of Andhra) brought infrastructure to Hyderabad”Its
the worlds most pathetic joke I ever
heard. What was the capital of Andhra Rastra? KURNOOL, fine where was its
secretariat? Guess where? It was in tents.
Now Hyderabad was a place with an Airport, Railway lines to connect it to main
land(built by nizam) , and of all the greatest technical advantage is the one who
knows to use it is now in Turkey and the one who should actually use them are
struggling to survive and secure their rights.

Now all those offices and buildings were used by the new govt of Andhra
Yes things were also built here even after unification of state but to my doubt
were all those things were of no use to settlers? Did they build them just for
philanthropic purpose?
And if the people of coastal Andhra were that great in their Entrepreneurship
skills they could have invested it right there where they were and developed it.
This clearly indicates that they had some easy benefits which brought them here.
 “Telangana is backward:
1. Few intellectuals (please read it rather as fools) argue that Telangana is
rather backward, after reading the data that I gave it will be easy for
you to understand how good was its GDP when it was it with nizam,
though despotic Nizam rulers built industries, how many big industries
did Telangana get after 1956 and how many did Andhra region get.
And now nizam sugars which gave a huge sum of Rs 6 lakhs as a relief
fund during 1962 Indo-china war is no more a public sector (owned by
people’s govt) company it is in the hands of private management.
2. Read about the glory in Mahboobnagar and Karimnagar from any
sources, you understand the pathetic condition of them after the
3. If some would argue that we had problem of radical movement, then
the state and such people should be ashamed of blaming them.
Radicals are different from dacoits and thugs they are born out of
system which is incompetent to solve their problem. Here people
prefer not to live in darkness and accept the terms imposed on them.
4. Many people accuse people of Telangana as people who lack interest
in development here is a straight question for those people what is
development? First you define it and go ahead with the discussion;
development varies from region to region. We need peace and security
to develope , which Telangana lacked almost till 1990’s and who is to
be blamed for it ? Obviously Both the centre and state governments ,
now if some one say that state was busy dealing with such matters then
let them advice what else could people do if they were being
persecuted by the very forces of state?
5. And can you please find a person in this world who does not want
good health facilities? Good education? Security? And a respectful and
peaceful life? Some one claim that they bring investment which we
lack, then let them take it back, no one would have stopped the British
if they took away the parliament building , Raisina palace(raj bhavanpresidential
palace of India), prakasham barrage which they built
during their rule. Did they built these all just for us to look and feel the
beauty? No they had some use out of it and so are the investments of
the settlers.
Now after decades long fight against landlords’ things turned to normalcy in rural
Telangana, but we lost more that 4 decades in that now you suddenly announce the
liberalization in 1990’s and ask business men of Telangana to compete with Andhra
business men? Is the race between two equals or between unequal’s? Now to fill the gap
business men from North India also came with their huge investments to AP to establish
their companies. Even if a Business men from Telangana wants to invest by borrowing a
loan from a bank whom will the bank issue a loan? To a company which has huge
amount of security and history or to a person who came from no where?
The answer is known. People of Telangana are not against the people who are poor, poor
people will migrate only when there is no other choice left for them , we are against the
greedy land grabbers and industrialists.
Now the state (India) says if separate state is created it will be hub of Maoists and they
point their fingers at Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh! It is senseless to say so giving a
separate state does not mean it is the end the centre has to take some additional care,
human being with this long history of evolution will always take care of a pregnant
women and mother with an infant, we won’t leave them expecting them to learn from the
history. If a state with such a great mechanism can’t utilize its resources to take care of its
people then what use of that state will be? Don’t you know what happened to Mughal
empire and Roman empire?
“It is good to be one as we all speak a common language”
 The concept of discrimination starts
from naming of the state when Marathi speaking people named their state as
Maharashtra, Guajarati people as Gujarat, Tamil speaking people as Tamil nadu, why did
they name telugu speaking people as Andhra Pradesh why could not this be Telugu Nadu
or Telugu Pradesh?
If common language is the base of unity then why did British and USA fight 2 bitter wars
(1776 & 1812) though they speak common language?
If u say that they are not geographically connected then atleast say why does not Canada
and USA cant join to form a nation, they both speak English right?
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Haryana, Delhi all speak in Hindi
should we combine them? Will they accept it?
Go to Scotland and ask any one are you English? Then he will angrily reply that he is a
Scottish, and the bombs of Ireland republican association went off till last decade in
streets of London.
Even though their struggle traces back to 13th century Scottish and Irish people kept their
struggle alive.
The argument is simple it is not language or land that make a state it is the people and
culture make them a state. State stands for people but not a land mass. They concept of
centralizing everything is a myth you cant run this big country sitting in Delhi until and
unless it shows some respect to regional feelings. Why did all the previous empires did
not withstand in India. Could Alla-Ud-Din-khilji and mughal rulers establish their
authority by force?

“Telangana will once again move into muslim domination”
There is no place for communalism (atleast) in
Telangana, when Razakars of nizam of were harassing people of Telangana many
Muslim youth stood by the side of the oppressed, maqdoom moinuddin is the best
example for it.
Abid Hassan was the deputy of Subash Chandra Bose in INA and he hails from
Hyderabad. Go and look in rural Telangana who will dance for PIR’s Of Muslims?
And there is no need for Muslims to prove their patriotism. Telangana has common
enemies as the poor of other parts of world has hunger, corruption, oppression,
inequality, are our enemies but not a single religion and we will fight the inequality till
victory is ours.

“Demand for separate state will lead to disintegration of country”

If that is the case Telangana was a separate country
altogether for 13 months why did people fight to join Indian union? Our fight isn’t like
Khalistan or any other separatist movement. Just refer to contributions of Telangana
during 1962 indo china war and other national catastrophes?
Time has come to correct the policy at the centre. The centre must take care of only
Finance, Defense & external affairs it should give chance for the states to evolve,
people of north east, Telangana, vidharabha, bhundelkhand, etc., must be given a chance
to prove themselves they must be given time to evolve and understand the main stream

I written all this to know about the telangana region’s present facing problems
It’s not me who written the complete survey of this document .It’s a collection of various writers
Historical Books references. The statistics written is approximately correct as per 2001-02
survey. presently the statistics may change for 2008-09.Regarding other matters its true to heart.
Its only reference and not original document assigned by government to prove. I am not
responsible for anything legally on it.