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Thursday, July 9, 2020

Holistic and rational

Holistic approach and rationalism needed to be tutored to ideology extrapolating specialists in generalization.

Telesis of tendentious terminologies tagged with baseless blunderbuss of invidious ideological insinuations are impregnated with insidious designs and implanted to invite attention through instigation.

Once this is done they vent out their vapid and vague socio-cultural understanding via a sensational extrapolation which emphasizes on divisions and discriminations to portray the differences (a case of intentional insulation of intentions from nuances).

They cleverly and simultaneously cut off contextual relevance and hide historical depth of references. 

As they wallow in the arrogance emanating from the new found notorious attention they don't allow acknowledging any aspect of aesthetic sensitivity.

They don't propagate anything but pollute, putrefy and pave the path for perdition. 

This is why these specialists in generalizations in general need to be subjected to specialized tutoring on rationalism.

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