
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Generalization is wrong

​​We cannot over generalize and pit everything or anything against something else.

Everything can coexist but subject to certain conditions which have come to be accepted universally for various valid reasons and they need not be brushed aside as Western or Eastern.

There are requirements and procedures in everything. One cannot walk into a school classroom and take classes even if one is better than all the existing teachers in the school. One cannot go and occupy a cabin in a bank and decide on loan disbursement though one may be better than any existing bank manager.

Similarly, there are many basic requirements for any product to be introduced, especially in medical field like proper documentation of the ingredients, empirical proof, double-binding, peer review (it may have its own short comings) and universal availability and accessibility to the product.

For that matter all BP and 99% of main Type 2 diabetic medicine ( Metformin) are plant based extract from flower.

Metformin is derived from the plant, Galega officinalis Linn. [Figure 1]. G. officinalis is commonly known as Goat's rue, French lilac, Italian fitch and Professor-weed.

BP from  Rauwolfia Serpentina and the politics and false claims and credits in Science.

Similar is the case with the controversies surrounding many patents. I shall give an example for this from one of my articles that I wrote for the Indian Express some 25 years back. At that time there used to be a supplement on every Tuesday called Science Express where I wrote half page article. Some extracts 

“For example as early as 601 AD in the Vaghbata complied by Indian physicians there is mention about the medicinal herb ‘RAUWOLFIA SERPENTINA’ and only in 1949 in the prestigious British  Heart Journal an Indian physician Rustom Jal Vakil published that powdered root of ‘RAUWOLFIA SERPENTINA  is very effective in lowering blood pressure. Then in 1952 Reserpine was isolated by Swiss chemist employed by CIBA under the direction of Emil Schlitter who produced pure crystals of active ingredient in ‘RAUWOLFIA SERPENTINA and Boston heart specialist Robert Wallace Wilkins observed that Reserpine not only reduced blood pressure but also reduced anxiety. Now to whom will you give the Patents’? Leave alone all the controversies surrounding the product itself.

Unfortunately the things are further complicated, especially in the field of science, by the nexus and fights between industry and academia. While one of it has credibility the other has incredible influence. They generate with the help of media and publicity wings many questions of morality versus utility etc and the ultimate causality is truth.

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