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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Life is all about synergy and synthesis

                           Life is all about synergy and synthesis

In the recent past I read two very interesting and thought provoking write ups from two great writers /critics of modern times.

Naturally both articles [links given at the end are interesting] at least triggered a thought process to explore the meaning or meaninglessness of life and many things.

When too may thoughts and ideas; too vast records of past experiences are around, it is a matter of ‘embarras de choix’. Then, the most preferable perspective may be to go in for synergy and synthesis because life’s multiple dimensions, dynamics are interlinked.

These two articles landed me in giving a long reply as follows:-

There may be some redundancies, rather reiterations to emphasis, because every moment of life is repeated, not necessary in a similar way, much less the same fashion.

Let me start with my favorite quotes which sets the tone and premise to proceed on the pilgrimage of perceptive perspectives.

“In the end nothing less than the whole of everything can be the truth of anything at all”- William James

“We live in a changing universe, and few things are changing faster than our conception of it”-Timothy Ferris

"Existence consists in the interplay of a plurality of elements whose true nature is indescribable and whose source is unknown. Combinations of these elements instantaneously flash into existence and instantaneously disappear, to be succeeded by new combinations of elements appearing in a strict causality." - Earle Ernst, The Kabuki Theatre 

As D.J.Mercier, the Archbishop of Malines has said even “Sound Philosophy sets out from analysis and terminates in synthesis”.

This applies more to philosophy of life.

First we all must at least accept one thing that LIFE is live and therefore constantly evolving and has to be experienced on the move.

It is neither a pass it on baton nor it has ‘pause button’.

Life is jigsaw puzzle with multiple pieces at our disposal but which are constantly moving with which we presume that we are supposed to figure out an unmapped atlas.

Therefore, obviously the task becomes too daunting.

So, we resort to conceptualize an atlas in a broad canvass and try to draw our own maps each according to one’s perspective, mostly determined by contexts, conveniences and concomitant relevance based on confirmation biases and belief systems.

Therefore, life has no panacea and as whole eludes any specific over simplistic prescriptions of ideology or ism purely because nothing is static about life.

To put it differently life is a constant churning process.

Wherein, we neither decide the cauldron or the ingredients; nor are we even sure of the size or material with which the kirn–staff or churning stick is made of.

However, human life  ( unlike other species whose reference manual of how to live is supposedly is possible only through inherited instincts and genetic memory) has an additional advantage of recorded retrievable knowledge bank of multiple experiences of life lived through different  periods of time in the past.

It is precisely for these reasons that we cannot deny or defy the importance of any incident, issue, information, idea, instant, individual, interlinked innumerable aspects of life’s journey as a whole.

The use of conscious awareness and reason enables and enhances the evaluation of multitude of options, rather than binding one with blinkers to view only at certain things from specific perspectives.

Every life primarily wants to survive and live physically and then explore multitude of options to live a life through and beyond the physical realms.

This process tries, toys with and uses various concepts, philosophical approaches and scientific knowledge and technological tools etc.

So, if we try to oversimplify life into any category or classification; through any ideological or identity based ghettoes ; attempting to suggest any homogenized prescriptions, then, in all these cases our understanding of  splendor of  life’s harmony and the harmony of living will both get distorted.

Meaning of Life is the result of churning of the outer world by the inner self or the way inner self relates with the outer world in all its multiple manifestations.

So, ‘meaning of life’ is neither predefined and nor, fortunately, patented and therefore cannot be prescribed as ‘such and such’ with a definite label.

It is so because life itself has too many facets and dimensions and perceived and lived differently by different species at different times and at various places.

Meaning of life cannot be defined away or described away by any conceptual definition or description however lofty and logical, and irrespective whichever source it emanates from.

Everything is part of life and not apart from life and therefore cannot be kept apart for a future date or an assumed future condition or fit into any particular concept.

Life mostly is lived and perceived in the Time and  ​Space conundrum but happens beyond these two.

That's why sometimes things happen in a jiffy when the human mind is not even given options of dealing with it in Time and Space, physical lives just end.

Therefore, in our attempt to understand and sometimes to exercise some control over life, we make many choices and decisions at every moment and they are ensued by concomitant actions and reactions based on them which we think are the best ways to deal with life.

The beauty of life consists in the unknowns and the unending searches and researches –the unending process of evolutionary trends in everything.

Growing up and growing out of certain things are natural process of evolutionary metamorphosis both biologically and psychologically.

Life is functionally a dynamic energy; visually a multi faceted splendor; in reality a marvelous mystery which unfolds itself through each and every one of us at every moment and so on. Therefore life cannot be either generalized in any manner or simplified into any predefined categories.

Life continues to evolve in its dynamic energy every moment and constantly throws up challenges in varying degrees and intensities, in different dimensions and at unexpected intervals.

In ThinkEdu16 conference in concluding session Sri Sri Ravishankar answered spontaneously very well to Vice Chancellor of a university in very simple terms how to avoid irrational depressions due to high expectations and corresponding disappointment.

He used just three very effective words. “He said you definitely need 'Passion' to perform effectively but 'Dispassion' to carry on with shortcomings and failures. He said when you succeed in Passion you enjoy, when you have this 'Dispassion' then you do not 'hate yourself' between these two if you have 'Compassion' then you do not hate or blame others. So, he said you need Passion, Dispassion and Compassion -all the three.”

There are lot of links and sub-links given below which will lead you through an unending journey of, hopefully, interesting reading.

The concepts of MORALITY itself may be mostly contextual

The two articles that triggered the above write up are

Published on March 22nd

Published on March 20th

Thursday, March 22, 2018



Sometime in early 2000 I was woken up by a strange dream that water crisis was choking me.

Then, for the next 4 months I read loads and loads of material about water from it science to its geopolitical dimensions.

Interacted with some water molecular biologists too who had highly scientific knowledge who answered my questions logical and illogical, feasible and impossible etc.

Still, some sort of vagueness haunted me for which I could not get easily comprehensible answers to ordinary mortals like me.

So, I decided to just create a Water Diary of facts, I think in 2003 when UN declared it as international year of Fresh water.

Which I later on made it into a blog in 2007

Why I am mentioning this here is because way back in the early 90s itself  many world leaders and environmental scientists across the globe knew about the impending water crisis and surprisingly only some dictators acted on it to create solutions.

Fallibility , Religion, hidden agenda

1. Everyone has some identity based or ideology based or confirmation bias based weakness.

2. Everyone also has sometimes certain hidden agenda, suspicious intentions and ulterior motives, lurking suspicions, simmering discontent etc.

3. While many elements of the former get revealed somehow most of the matters in the muddy pool of the later hardly ever surface.

4. This is unfortunately the greyest of the grey area of human psychology but there is nothing inherently wrong with either the former or later.

5. But I am, personally, not in for supporting or protecting or justifying any high profile head of any rich religious or cult outfit, irrespective of who or what religion he or she is.

6. If their preaching, well articulated philosophical perspectives are useful and worthy let us follow those ideas without  deifying or venerating or hero worshiping and wasting our time, money and energy as no soul with life has any necessity to lead a life like a parasite nor it need to operate haughtily devoid of any humility not to appreciate, accept, learn and profit from the ideas of more knowledgeable and enlightened souls.

7. Even for every seeker of spirituality there are certain methods which alone will work for a particular individual, for example: - for some it may be blindly following rituals; for some it may be service to others; for some it may be praying; for some it may be intellectual and rational scrutiny; for some firm faith; for some it is some other magic and so on.

8. So, to ask a person who logically and intellectually analyzes anything before he/she accepts it to follow rigorous rituals will never appeal to him/ her, leave alone enable him/her to attain any enhanced state of human life.

9. This is well explained in a 90 page booklet by Chinmaya Nanda titled


10. This is because human beings can never shun passion, compassion and dispassion.

11. Unless there is passion there won't be that intense interested involvement to do anything; without compassion and reciprocation no one can perform anything for long in society be it within the family or office or society at large and without conscious development of dispassion one cannot move away or ahead from what one has been doing as it is and one will get struck with the redundancies of some routine.

12. Most cults ignite one's passion, publicize compassion and make one develop a selective dispassion towards everything else so that one would remain a loyal follower of the cult with its well decorated and ornamented cage of identity.

13. The cult leaders assiduously develop strategies which pander to these scheming.

Why people get obsessed with certain ideas over the rest because ideas have sex

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

sane, rational, good and humane souls

There are sane, rational, good and humane souls in every organisation, group, religion, different political   ideological outfits.

Similarly, there are radical, inhumane and anti-social elements too in every outfit.

We must appreciate and reward the good ones and ignore, be indifferent or punish the others.

So that the rewards encourage others to become sane and the punishments deter the bad elements from repeating the mistakes.

Monday, March 19, 2018


Someone asked me how even docile people start becoming assertive when given power or position.

I said docility and meekness could perhaps have been nothing but silent observation waiting for appropriate time to blossom.

Then based on assumption even their ascendency to power or position is questioned.

I said it could be a blessed metamorphosis of providence or is a very cleverly and consciously developed skill set and perhaps helped along by some luck and links.

However, we cannot brush aside or ignore certain positive credentials and capabilities of anyone in any position.
I also feel that we must always respect the post and diplomatically point out the mistakes or activities performed by the person holding certain specific posts because they can tarnish the post or bring down the very image of the institution they are in.

We must also bear in mind not to over indulge in too indiscriminate or excessively aggressive criticism of some people and be conspicuously silent on lack of initiative or involvement of many for many years on multiple issues.

MSM needs to be countered with inundation of facts

Ignorant media generated idiotic narratives dominate the debate and therefore the overall ill informed frames of references leads to wrong perception.

These are further exaggerated by the vested interest groups and lobbies.

So, in reality these perceptions have to be broken through sensible, data backed and logical counter narratives which explain the long-term benefits synchronizing with both existing imperatives and emerging trends in global economic scenario.

This must be the approach by the political dispensation without slipping into the traps of ideological counter reactions.

This requires delivery of real performance leading to desired outcomes.

Besides, there are many erring CMs and outfits of BJP itself which also needs to be checked as peoples’ awareness and expectations are increasing everyday and nothing can get hidden for long from them.

Therefore, a team is working on some long pending really important issues and programs for TN, KARNATAKA and Rajasthan.

The process is a very interesting learning curve where the best brains and technocrats have spoiled the system with their excessive silence and indifference on one side and the din of vociferous perverted media narratives have totally masked the facts and reality.

The task is tall here, all the more with hostile main stream media.

JK - A Great Philosopher

                                       Great Philosopher
Last week there was a post in ideapod

I wrote there the following.

JK undoubtedly was one of the greatest souls when it comes to creating everlasting influence and a very intense impact on anyone who has listened to him live or read his works.

Words have enormous power.

Words have enormous power.

But equally powerful are the interpretations, connotations in context, perceptions, and perspectives, ability look beyond and beneath the words.

It is therefore, important to pay very minute attention to the nuances and learn the art of diplomatic articulation.

At the end of the day, even if we are not able to create a great impact or convince and make others accept our stand or a particular stand, at least we must be able to get across what we intend to convey to others in a way that they can grasp or preferably how we want them to grasp.

The earth may be rotating on its own axis but the world is getting rotated by multitude of axis of various versions and carefully crafted narratives.

Panacea , humility and vastness of life

No single domain/field of activity can claim superior importance to the exclusion of all the rest.

This assumption that emanates either out of love for that particular domain or over simplification of the wholeness of life into a single domain thinking that as a result solutions to all aspects of life can be found in or through that domain and fullness of life can be explained through such narrow slots.

Often such assumptions also pop up due to the excessive pride and ego of those in some fields.

विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयाद्याति पात्रताम् 
पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोति धनाद्धर्मं ततः सुखम् 

vidyA dadAti vinayaM, vinayAdyAti pAtratAM |
pAtratvAddhanamApnoti, dhanAddharmaMtataH sukhaM || 5 ||

(true/complete) knowledge gives discipline[humility], from discipline [humility] comes worthiness, from worthiness one gets wealth, from wealth (one does) good deeds, from that (comes) joy.

I have written many blog posts dispelling such perspectives because we can neither deny nor defy the importance of anything or anyone.

All the following links have many sublinks and it is a long read so you may transfer it to your mail and read when you have time or forget to read too.

The following link brings out the importance of synergy

The following one is about the grand illusion of panacea

The following just is full of spicy quotes that can motivate hubris as well as humility

The following one is a single example of vagueness even in day to day measurement

Indian Left with half baked knowledge

Indian Left with half baked knowledge

Some people practice assiduously the art of covering up incompetence and a conscious awareness of their half baked knowledge with an intentional instigation or provocation of selected groups to generate reactions and thereby seek free publicity and also promote some ideology as a hidden agenda.

You can know what looks like a well developed art is in fact a disease when two major symptoms manifest verbosity and victimhood peddling.

Evolving Systems and Dynamics

"The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as long as we live." - Mortimer Adler

This morning while at an inaugural function of a new project I could not resist unleashing these and I told them as I have only 10 minutes to speak I shall only put forth 10 points and one small story.

I told them that for every meaningless project or program I can unleash a few hundred like these.

1. Zymurgy’s first law of evolving systems dynamics: "once you open a can of worms, the only way to recan them is to use a larger can".

Now, all of you can infer for what issue I quote the above.

2. Perlsweig’s law: “people who can least afford to pay rent, pay rent. people who can most afford to pay rent, build up equity ".

3. The airplane law: “when the plane you are on is late, the plane you want to transfer to is on time".

4. Law of perversity of nature: "you cannot successfully determine beforehand which side of the bread to butter".

5. Cahn’s Axiom: " when all else fails, read the instructions".

6. Peer’s Law: “The solution to a problem changes the nature of the problem.

Verbification and its vibration of positive vibes

Verbification and its vibration of positive vibes.

 Today’s (05.03.2018)TOI Chennai edition page 12.

‘The overachieving Verbs’

It is much needed to mute overhyped suffocation by excessive mediafication.

Verbification vibrates with positive vibes.

Very loaded verbose version of  verbification in the write up smacks a bit of mediafication (i.e. exclusive privileged club involved in peddling opinions - often cleverly masking reality and appropriation of adorable appellations to themselves and assigning low and lewd labels to a selective few- along with swelling jealousy that the social media has enabled the masses to do what the exclusive club of main stream media were doing- nonstop opinion sprinkling, gossip generating, fear mongering with victimhood peddling etc.

On the contrary, if one is not afflicted by senility and sense of insecurity, one would positively welcome the active participation of everyone as sincere involvement in any subject taking seriously any issue to their heart and head.

It is this spirit of participative committed involvement creating enough noise to drown the din of main stream media that is here to say whether we like it or not; whether we want it or not; whether view it as good or bad.

More the merrier may prove true even in the arena of thoughts, ideas, views and opinions.

Main stream media is no more a secured fortress for the indulgence of exclusive club of mass opinion moulders and scandals suppliers.

Internet and mobile handsets in every hand empowers dissemination of news in real time everywhere.

Adjective formation

Adjective formation is a very interesting activity by itself.

Language and literature get embellished through delicate use of adjectives.

For learning adjective formation one must read Valery Adam’s book on Adjective Formation.

Best languages that equip you to master the art of adjective formation among the  Oriental languages it is Sanskrit and among Occidental languages it is German.

In Dasakumara Charitham, the author Dhandin uses almost a paragraph as adjective to describe Bhima.

Incorrigible Laws- a collection a made below from various sources

Incorrigible Laws- a collection a made below from various sources

Then I also thought of writing serious ones myself called Law of Ambulance (symbolically no compulsion to follow road rules for the sake greater good cause)

How to grasp any subject or issue, then understand it and articulate it?

How to grasp any subject or issue, then understand it and articulate it?

First observe anything or anyone as it is or as they are and visualize and conceptualize through a polyptych of frames of reference taking into consideration the inherent attributes and contextual relevance.

Second, after the above fundamental process is in place proceed further without any restrictions imposed by blind beliefs, confirmation biases, dogmatic doctrines, fettering faiths, ideological impediments etc
Third use verbal articulation which is a mere tool or technique that conveys matters.

But there must be a constant deliberate conscious awareness running in the background of the mind that the process of articulation must not hurt the sensitivities of others at all or at least as much as possible.

Focus must be on the important crux of the issues.

Of course one may take the artistic and creative liberty to aesthetically decorate the articulation with linguistic nuances.

However, careful we may be it is difficult to please or satisfy all.

Art of Balancing the international economic imperatives and national political compulsions

The tough art of flying kite while rope walking.

Let optimism spring eternally, after all universes emerged out of chaos.

But we need to work towards drafting policies that can enable synergy between

1. International or global level playing field with international acceptable and scientifically measurable systems, procedures, processes and practices in the following fields i.e. economics, finance, businesses, infrastructure etc (which are too vast and complicated to oversimplify or over generalize and one cannot expect everything to be implemented over night especially in a nation used to anarchic behaviour ) and

2. Internal imperatives (which include a gamut of things constantly craving for consideration and prioritized attention -ranging from multiple political compulsions to factoring in the bandwidth of huge illiterate and poor to adopt to drastic changes in the short term).

However, with real, as well as much hyped aspirations of almost one sixth of world population and almost one third of world’s youth population we cannot afford to postpone either i.e.

1. Increased and proactive global economic participation with all its concomitant obligations like facilitating ease of business and opening up FDI in many domains.

2. High expectations and political scheming with all its collateral damages to the social fabric in many aspects.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

BJP's introspection

India needs BJP and MODI to be in power for nation’s corruption free development and prevent Congress or congregation of mere power mongers.

But then this can happen only when BJP stops being too complacent and starts unleashing economic benefits to middle class in many ways.

In 77 Janata and 2004 BJP missed a golden opportunity but in 2019 if BJP gets anything less than absolute majority  INDIA will miss a shining  Diamond Jubilee.

But when the very main thing one wants or claims to improve, namely, economic development with tangible results is not evident on ground it reflects in results.

There is visible lack of money circulation and an obvious stagnation of economic activities especially in the unorganized sector.

This coupled with extreme pressure on small enterprises and entrepreneurs in the name of scrutiny and procedures and failure to pin down big corrupt politicians for four years are grave mistakes.

There are not enough benefits for middle class and not enough stopping of meddling class of brash extreme ideologists who lack the delicate diplomatic deceitful way of getting things done silently like many other outfits and therefore expose themselves to media exaggerated public scrutiny.

Hindus are not known to easily remain united on any issue for long.


ACRONYM is a very useful device

Nicely in
Memory through ACRONYM

Adaptation sometimes is nothing but disruption
Carried to
Operations like
Nice mobile handset technology
You use to read these
Messages, and for that matter

Revolve in
Operating through
Nudging like the egg that became
Mindlessly nudging away millions of sperms.

ACRONYMs act as very handy mnemonic to prompt and hint.

Logical Fallacies

                                              Logical Fallacies
Logical fallacies are well ensconced in appealing slogans, well nuanced words, emotional blackmails and many other hypnotising methods of propaganda mechanisms or brain washing techniques that restrict even our frames of reference.

As it is we have, for ease of understanding as well as many other justifiable and unjustifiable reasons, divided the wholesomeness of life into narrow classifications and compartments.

Recently there was a video doing rounds in WhatsApp of someone lecturing how we live only seven [7] years by explaining by deducting how many years go away in sleeping, how many in doing routine duties, how many years we spend eating, travelling , bathing etc.

But aren’t all those part of life, in fact they make life more a living experience.

All those who have the tendency to justify or push an agenda rather than reason out or appreciate have this tendency to or propensity to oversimplify or over generalize and frame their question in such a manner that it would deliver only certain expected answer or answers like in wife beating case, you interrogate the accused like this, “Have you stopped beating your wife?".

If he says No anyway he will get the punishment. If he says Yes then by inference it means he is accepting that he was beating her before but has stopped now.

These types of questions can be framed always. I have prepared question papers for some competitive exams like these.


Alliance gathering to stop

Agenda and

Job for
Prosperity while

Opportunism that
Growth for 60 years feels elated.