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Monday, January 15, 2018

Education – the academic, commercial, ideological and political aspects of it.

Education – the academic, commercial, ideological and political aspects of it.

Unfortunately there can be no fit-all homogenized or universal pattern of education.

Every activity is either commercialized or politicized;

The variations are only a matter of degrees.

So, most of those in the business of education must be clear about certain things without any hidden agenda or claiming to be the exclusive saints of integrity or honesty.

Adjustments [a convenient nuanced synonym for compromises, expediencies, hypocrisies] are inevitable, but how far one does? And how much of what one does disturbs or brings disrepute to the whole domain [here it is academic educational institutions] has to be monitored and managed.

Unloving criticism or uncritical love of any measure as well as over generalization or over simplification will do more harm than good.

We need to have clarity about why we want a specific education?

We also need to know the multiple dimensions and dynamics of education.

We need to evolve a system of imparting education that will fit into the 21st century scheme of things

We need to re-emphasize values, real values, not merely ideologically justifiable ones.

We need to change the following attitude socially

We need to understand the need to allow more freedom to the hormonally charged passionate youth without restraining them in the name of 18th century notions of discipline.

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