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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Writers, speakers, criticisms,analysis

Exaggerations, extended explanations in their enthusiastic exuberance, detailed descriptions spiced with humor, anecdotes, quotes, catchy slogans, appealing short stories, innuendos, many other fine tuned rhetorical devices are important ingredients of speakers and writers. 

As long as they are able to bring or connect them even remotely to the topic it is fine, even when they are done with some hidden agenda or ulterior motive.

So, dissecting such works be it music or speeches into pieces and analyse excessively and criticize too much à la Subbuddu may deprive the momentary pleasure of the performers as well as the fans.

We must criticize, no doubt, but not for things that they are not expected to perform or not responsible for.

Besides all these,  exigencies of shift in praxis of debate too fails to fit into theoretical or traditional norms. 

I remember a wonderful quote
“Get out of your own way… stop the paralysis by analysis… decide what you want, create a simple plan, and get moving!” – Steve Maraboli.

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