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Saturday, May 2, 2020

Pandemic and attitude

What pandemic teaches is, perhaps, there may be no panacea.
Circumstances or crisis like everything else evolve, I repeat evolve or emerge.

First we need to accept the fact and then we need to respond.

However, how we respond will create a template of attitude, even if it does not offer a total remedy.

In general, not necessarily about health, even other realms, especially economy we must face and accept facts and act with maturity rationally with scientific, humanitarian and environmental concerns. 

As Ayn Rand says, "We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality.”

We must put aside all or at least most of the following approaches and attitudes.

All types dystopian rhetoric zeal, immature emotional doomsday resignations, advocacy of outdated, unscientific ( by which I mean not empirically tested documented, proven and universally accessible methods of remedy) methods hovering around in the name of much accepted conventional wisdom, preening of one-upmanship in crisis, radical responses, fanatical fights and many other irrelevant or irresponsible outbursts.


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