
Saturday, May 2, 2020

Science deserves respect

​​Nothing can be advocated with axiomatic certitude as the ultimate or all perfect truth. Nor can we deny or defy the importance of anything. 

But within the limited knowledge and frames of references that human brain can process with all its limitations, I think we must go in for more rational, scientific ( empirically proven not statistically justified) means and at the same time ensuring lesser harm to human beings as well as the environment.

Every realm starts with some assumptions, premises, hypothesis, imaginations, impulse, remote conjectures, available material etc all of which are hovering in the realm of vague exploration -the territory of pleasant curiosity, but when through experiments and application if something matures into proof, then, after that one has to respect it, at least till something else or something new proves it to be wrong or something else is found to be better ( like graduation of magnifying glass into microscope).

We fail to acknowledge the real merits and immense benefits of science, more importantly at least its utility and impact, even if we fail to treat it with reverence. 

For example, now the only thing that makes human survival lively is electricity and all the technology that operates, thanks to electricity.

Similarly, all of a sudden there are too many messages on Gurukulam. 

If Gurukulam were to continue, what would happen to mass literacy? 

Just because something is greater in number or some place has greater crowd that does not confer any greatness or even empower anything or anyone effectively, now cannot even stop the spread of Corona.  

We must give up extreme pessimism, irrelevant comparisons 

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