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Thursday, January 16, 2020

Chronology and Calendar

​​                                   Chronology and Calendar 

There are lot of nonsense in ancient narratives spun around quasi historical and semi mythological tales injected with hyper imagination and hyped propaganda.

These nonsenses devoid of any empirical evidence is prevalent in all cultures.

Politically and militarily aggressive nations which have exercised their dominance over other cultures have appropriated some of these nonsense into their religion as well. 

Merely, by virtue of their economic and political power ensured these nonsenses were enhanced in status as belief systems. These later on became a convenient way of going with the tide making everyone to follow certain prescribed activities.

Every language used by human beings  reveals the truth including English, French , Latin ,. Greek etc as to how human beings attempted to classify time via observation of seasons rather than religiously ordained rituals.

Chronology of calendar by itself is a measurement of time mired in controversies.

Every story and system of calculation of time has its own justifications sometimes rational and at times ridiculous.

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