
Thursday, January 16, 2020

Seeking stops when .....

Seeking and/or  searching for meanings stop not only when we presume we know but also when we try to freeze the process through some of the following:-

conceptualizing and worst of all
justifying through our belief systems and ideologies.

Internalize wisdom

We need to internalize all great wisdom and ideals we come across.

We read and listen to many such good words of wisdom but internalize very little and practice much less.

Sometimes the inevitable compromises of life may push us to forget about the what we have learned from lofty speeches and writings; 
Sometimes we ourselves choose to act otherwise as a matter of expediency;

Only when we start to consciously internalize and manifest whatever great thoughts ,ideas and ideals in  our interactions, actions  and relationships with everyone and everything,  then, we may really reap the benefits of such wisdom. 
We need not take extreme and stiff position on anything because we may be required to make certain contextually relevant adjustments.

However, at any cost there must be some principles  and values which make sense and are also sensitive to others feelings and requirements.

Morality is relaltive and contextual


We need to wade through a mixture of taboos, trends, traditions, individual behavior, adhering to prevailing belief systems in a particular social milieu, character, conduct, self as well as social discipline, religious and social edicts, rules either mutually agreed to be followed or established as laws by some system of governance or authority and so on.

It is out of this mixture not a compound that morality evolves.

'The Evolution of Morality' Matt Ridley takes us through a brief journey but covering the entire breath and complete depth of the topic starting from traditions leading to laws .

In my opinions all of these had noble intention to ensure specific desirable behaviors in the interest of smooth, peaceful, preferably conflict free social cohabitation and safety of individuals.

No where in the world any single authority dictated either moral codes or its modern brother 'laws‘.

Though some groups may claim they have a set of moral rules and that is the best for all to follow at all places and all times. This is on the very face of it obviously absurd even to child.

However, to ensure consistency for some practical convenience of deciding and giving reward and punishment, over a period of time, certain basic rules were adopted as the norm.

As economist Don Boudreaux says, " Law's expense is so vast, its nuances so many and rich, and its edges so frequently changing that the popular myth that law is that set of rules designed and enforced by the state becomes increasingly

morality I read a research book by Dennis Krebs, The Origins of Morality: An Evolutionary Account but then it was as usual too much of dry academic theory, concepts churning based on previous similar works. 
Then I made an assessment based on  certain studies that I had already made out of the works of some  great souls and found that yes indeed morality is purely situational and contextual  irrespective of all the religious and social edict to the contrary.

What is moral and what values? How are they going to determine it?

The following link gives some brief slides 
Worth listening talk  Kathryn Schulz: On being wrong | Video on

In fact I remember reading a book some 30 years back by A.E.M. JOAD titled "That There is no such thing as Morality" and along with that BERTRAND RUSSEL'S "IN PRAISE OF IDLENESS" and when I wrote my book of slogans and sayings the first thing was "Nothing is a Taboo.

What is a taboo in one place at a particular time may be trend in some other place and at the same place some other time and what is a trend at one place at a particular time may be taboo in some other place and at the same place some other time.

We waste lot of our time and energy and life itself debating and declaring what is right and wrong.
Even terms like ALWAYS, is wrong, what is 'always' when life itself is temporary.

Morality is a tool used to judge people and their actions. 

Too often we judge people and events based on our preconceived notions of right and wrong when they are purely relative.

Raga Marghahindolam

Raga Marghahindolam is an excellent ragam.

Many details are available in blog below of saidvk.​​

Few observations.

No composer or composition has captured the most beautiful phrase of the raga like Saint Tyagara ' mama pada nidha dhani saani...' in his Challamelara.

I always wished how nice it would have been had Saint Tyagaraja also included a chittaswaram in this kriti.

In Pandit Shivkumar's santoor rendering is too classical ( vishweswaran is sitting behind him).

Laxmi Shankar renders it really well. 

Certain ragas and songs ( esp slow and deep rendering) I personally rate her better than MS, Latha and Vani. Listen to her rendering of 'maati khahe Kumar..'.

Rafi renders the melancholic version superbly.

Sanjay's rendering of Kalpana swaras in this composition are really amazing.

Change is inevitable

            Change is inevitable 

The main ingredient of growth of any civilization is change irrespective of whether we like it or want it.
Evolution, in general, takes care​ of​ and marches with  a delicate balance in the process of transformation by carrying on with the conservative and promoting the progressive.
​Youth of gen next are far more intelligent, smart, clever and at least, all of them are better informed ( some cases over informed) on many domains than us.
They have their own  preferences, priorities and problems.
Therefore, they may not or need not follow, accept or appreciate what we think as the most valuable and important aspect of life.
We are far removed from our previous generation. .
So, let gen next choose the music, food, language, habits, culture, activities they prefer and they want.

Economy, commerce and trade rule

Let us settle down to the fact that the majority of the world is dominated by, and majority of people too prioritize commerce, trade, economy, finance using whatever enables or enhances attaining these things more effectively, easily and swiftly- namely technology ( predominantly internet enabled), adjusting to the constraints or maneuvering though geopolitical changes. ​​
This does not mean they do not care about their culture or religion ( they don't have the leisure and luxury of prioritizing them or getting obsessed about them).
Presently wealth in life is primarily about leading a life of happiness, comfort, ease, peace and prosperity .
After that or simultaneously trying to learn or to seek the purpose of and meaning of life and then try to seek if there are things beyond and besides mortal life.

Business has to be market driven

Everything is market driven or driven through marketing and/or propaganda or practice.

One practice need not be superior or inferior to another.
Be it political ideology or religious belief or doctrine everything is marketed.

The business of politics is business;
The business of religion is business;
The business of health care is business;
The business of education is business and of course
The business of business is commercial, economic growth oriented sustainable profit making enterprise and hence it  requires more marketing .

Chronology and Calendar

​​                                   Chronology and Calendar 

There are lot of nonsense in ancient narratives spun around quasi historical and semi mythological tales injected with hyper imagination and hyped propaganda.

These nonsenses devoid of any empirical evidence is prevalent in all cultures.

Politically and militarily aggressive nations which have exercised their dominance over other cultures have appropriated some of these nonsense into their religion as well. 

Merely, by virtue of their economic and political power ensured these nonsenses were enhanced in status as belief systems. These later on became a convenient way of going with the tide making everyone to follow certain prescribed activities.

Every language used by human beings  reveals the truth including English, French , Latin ,. Greek etc as to how human beings attempted to classify time via observation of seasons rather than religiously ordained rituals.

Chronology of calendar by itself is a measurement of time mired in controversies.

Every story and system of calculation of time has its own justifications sometimes rational and at times ridiculous.

Wealth in reality

                           Economy is a priority no doubt

If USA is a land of opportunities INDIA is a land of mega opportunities but accompanied by multiple mega diversions in the name of many things besides economy.

Like an individual, the nation too needs many things to have a wholesome secured development with a sense of national pride in all aspects of its socio-cultural realm too.  For example even the most talented singer has to appear in nice dress, happy mood on a well decorated stage to create a wholesome impact.

However, there is no doubt that the priority must be economic development
Only in 90s, when India was pushed to the corner that too because of PVN we thought of economy as part of governance, and governance as part of government beyond party politics. 

MODI has taken it further through a multi-pronged approach by eliminating aspects that delay the process like corruption, complex laws, red-tapes etc. 

Stabilized it by bringing procedures, processes, systems, policies, standards that are in sync with acceptable global practices; 

Created an eco-system which is at least marginally encouraging, enhancing trust and empowering through many schemes like electricity to all, bank accounts, direct transfer, infrastructure, insurance, Mudra, Skill India, PMAY etc. 

However, comprehensive implementation and utilization of the schemes require synergy of many down the line.

Besides, in countries like India everything from religion to economic activity does not get dictated or designed by any organized structure, but evolves rather organically. All that is required is to create a conducive eco- system with reasonable monitoring and regulations as checks and balances.

Our nation's development is on track but cannot be tracked down to any single parameter; it is evolving silently and organically with much greater confidence than before, as every evolution does. We would be better of learning this phenomenon by reading Leonard Reed's ' I, Pencil'; works of Daniel Dennet and Charles Darwin.

When processes and structures are in place, functions and results will emerge bit by bit incrementally and grow big like trickles of rain water through streams growing into a river.

In modern day, WEALTH is not merely financial status it is wholesome combo of various factors.

Welfare [economic and social] of the maximum number 
Easy [ availability and accessibility to comforts] life with emotional well being  
All round comforts and cohabitation without identity based frictions and fights
Loveable life and livable planet [ ensuring biodiversity] for posterity
Technology imbued efficient health care and opportunities in education and employment
Happiness obtained through synergy of various aspects of life.