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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

India's economic potential are great

Oh what a coincide just now I was telling someone to read zerohedge to know what is happening in global financial circles.  

However, non of these need to put of​f​ the optimism regarding India's and some other Asian countries economies  because of their inherent strength and potential, only ​thing is that it remains a ​potential which has not been unearthed or optimally used till date. 
India's unique strengths are too many but its massive shortcomings are lack of cooperation and coordination in implementing anything; lack of proper management; bureaucratic hurdles; regulators harassing in the name of implementing regulations; still unrealistic tax structure devoid of justifications in terms of the trade of the tax payers get; lack of practical inputs on ground realities; excessive and illogical freedom to media to sit on judgement over everything and scarring officials through media trials ( no one has the spine to control them); ministers are inaccessible and still lobbies decide. 

If only India's unutilized resources and potentials are fully exploited India can become 5 times bigger than US economy.

I am sure the present governemnt is addressing the issues one by one to create a stable platform to take off the developmental agenda in top gear 

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