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Saturday, September 7, 2019

Education and employment

Both education and employment ( most works) are and must undergo drastic or disruptive changes in every aspect at every level in probably the very near future. 

Important ultimate goal or result expected out of both being the fulfillment of basic  economic needs, physical comforts and social welfare without too much of disparity.

Already home schooling and work from home are mushrooming around many places.

In certain ways when you look at it they have lot of benefits like how clocks, calendars, calculators and even computers got confined in the comfort of our palms through mobile phones.

1 comment:

Mike Frolow said...

Nice presentation and teaching I really enjoyed it .Thanks this is straight forward and to the point. This was some awesome information that is going to aid me in making my transition from the cage to the stage and understanding the concept of compound sentence . Looking forward for more such article.