
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Technology and science are vital

From an economic perspective it must be adopted. Even for addressing many other daily  practical problems too, technology driven solutions must be adopted.. 

Signs of growth and development basically are all about shrinking time used for performing tasks and making personal life and social life more comfortable by providing solutions to problems. Most inventions and innovations come from observations not academic qualifications.  So, no wonder students of Education and English have come up with some solutions.

Honestly , I don't have either complete data or ideas about traffic issues in California as I have not lived there. However, traffic problems are a global phenomenon. 

It is all the more important to address it for various reasons like:- this is mostly in metro cities where most top executive live and work ( imagine the collective highly qualified, decision making executives wasting long hours struck in traffic), frequent breaks and restart consumes more fuel and adds more pollution and all other concomitant health issues. Clutch wear and tear is high. The pneumatic energy wasted can be used to toast a few slices of bread or even lights of cars etc.

In 'A brief history of science as seen through the development of scientific instruments’ Thomas Crump explains how each technological  invention has shaped our lives in many ways.

Technology is indeed a catalyst for growth / for aiding our everyday lives, but unfortunately,  the status quo addicts shun it, venerators make hyper claims as if it is going to take over all aspects of lives. 

Unfortunately, either to sound politically correct to left ideologies or pamper the status quo addicts even unexpected quarters conduct seminars like Peter Druker's Forum came up with conferences on a topic like this i.e. was in 2015 (

). I wrote a big rejoinder.

Technology is religion and gadgets are the new gods.

Humanity and Technology- let us not see them as humanity 'versus' technology.

We must stop viewing most things  as something against all things old and existing. Instead, start viewing them as different and new options.

We must not forget the inevitable 'polarity principle' in nature as part of  evolution.

When we shed this  wrong perspectives of unending list of ‘versus’ and replace them with 'and' instead of ' versus'like:-

Faithful versus unfaithful;

Religious versus irreligious;

Science versus Religion;

Science or religion versus spirituality;

Tradition versus taboo;

Technology versus Humanity;

I can elaborate the damage these have done to the development of humanity leading to petrified ideologies, putrefied perspectives, puerile interpretation of many things and view various polarity principles as paradoxes.

Some morbid and manipulative minds manage to  unite the luddites of the world with appealing slogans, as Murphy’s law says ‘ a good slogan can block reasoning and thinking forever’ by advancing arguments like Ronald Reagan used to do with his famous one liners, “ I notice that everyone in favour of abortion has already been born”.

The influence and impact of technology is too obvious and it has also cleared many areas of confusion which even great academic scholars like Colin McGinn used to express, “ The head spins in theoretical disarray; no explanatory model suggests itself; bizarre ontologies loom. There is a feeling of intense confusion, but no clear idea about where the confusion lies”

Science has helped human beings to explore, to experiment and to understand rationally and also to use that understanding for betterment of all life forms, including the environment.

Technology has accelerated this process and brought the benefits to various spheres of life.

When science chose technology as its partner it made a giant leap. This combination of science and technology displaced vague inanities and also inane vagueness in many matters.

If states and appropriate authorities don't use them, the loss is theirs..

If you feel this can be implemented in Bangalore, Calcutta, Mumbai, Chennai , Meghalaya etc. 

Do come with proposals imbued with authentic data, benefits, implementation benefits, pollution control as also silent monitoring  by authorities. Then, we can try this.

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