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Thursday, September 12, 2024

History -a generic view to review our stands


                                      History- its inevitable and instigated events.

Events may evolve due to evolutionary imperatives or instigated by some ideological inputs. The former is not in our control but the later must be properly dealt with   contextual perspectives.                                                     

                                  History -its preferred role.

Learning lessons from history more important, than learning history lessons, that have bequeathed to us some time-tested values as reference manual to promote humanitarian compassionate cohabitation.

           History -it must not let life to rewind to the past.

We must avoid sliding into debates of justifications on any basis either religious, historical, ideological, political, territorial disputes and slipping away from any logic, moderation because humanity cannot afford to rewind itself into  12th  century or 10th century barbarism. 

Trying to deny, to defy, to disown, to disorient are manifestations of non-committal cautiousness of escapists and those who prefer indifference over involvement.  

                                        History-its journey.

History cannot be divorced from individuals, institutions, issues, ideologies that have formed and framed a major part of life and hence it includes the experiments of multiple social and political systems which have travelled through many socio-religious cultural systems and the multitude of economic and trade activities all of which that have shaped the survival of human beings and in many cases improved life in many aspects.

“There is no history of mankind, there are only many histories of all kinds of aspects of human life. And one of these is the history of political power. This is elevated into the history of the world.” — Karl Popper


                                     History -its vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability of history lies in the inevitable variables of  the ideological prejudices of the source of records, distortions of some historians and the date from which we choose to refer to the records because the inputs of these vulnerabilities along with some others that are mentioned below go on to become our frames of references to perceive/ to understand/to interpret issues/events.                          

         History- the duty of intellectual bodyguards/narrative setters

 Therefore, we [ at least the ‘intellectual bodyguards’ as Ayn Rand calls or present-day narrative setters and political decision makers] need to clear as many grey areas as possible to have clarity about the frames of references.  

They must act with collective responsibility for the long-term common good rather than giving statements containing selective, SENSATIONALISTIC, calibrated, homogenized NARRATIVES injected with an artificial aura of dignity but carrying hidden agendas, ulterior motives, surreptitious ideological undercurrents, and political overtones.  

                     History- means to overcome its vulnerabilities.

However, there are ways and means to overcome certain vulnerabilities of authenticity through collating multiple methods of advanced scientific tools like DNA proofs, Archaeological evidence, and literary references to arrive at some facts.  As John Adams says, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence”, and Ayn Rand, “We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality."  


            History – prevailing facts that need correction and moderation. 

More experts than victims or issues, more critics than doers, more media trials, more NGOs working for poor than the number of actual poor people, more news Channels [nuisance channels] than news items. The bandwidth for dissent, discussion and different opinions must become much wider and better than merely allowing it to get limited by brain washing propaganda instilled narrow alleys of many branded and brandied about systems and fixed ideologies.


                             History- the contradictions.

Often, we may encounter contradictions due to  human psyche’s penchant for generalizing variety; oversimplifying the complex; sometimes confusing the motives to be either the means or meaning of the quest; justifying all means; fear of various kinds; predominance of certain types of thinking; passing everything through a prism of some popular or prevailing liking or ideology; seeing things with jaundiced vision and prejudiced views; presuming that we need to judge everything and everyone, applying irrelevant metrics to evaluate everything rather than evaluating anything through its inherent merits and so on. Contradictions are very often camouflaged as dichotomies and dichotomies are the indoctrinated and engraved part of many domains of life as Dudley Lynch puts forth very nicely, “The brain forever has dichotomies on its mind-The ancient Taoists did it with yin/yang. Religious types with good/evil.  Philosophers with mind/matter. Particle scientists with wave/particle.  Psychologists with nature/nurture. Law officers with good cop/bad cop. On and on and on. You just had to know that it was only a matter of time before “dualism”—or … harrumph! … co-eternal binary opposition—infested neuro discussions like kudzu” and continues “Maybe, as one thoughtful observer has suggested, even as old dualisms get knocked down, “it seems that there is something about the wiring of the brain that leads to new dualisms springing up.” Talk about Whack-a-Mole! Or as George  Kelly says, “Our psychological geometry is a geometry of dichotomies[italics mine] rather than the geometry of areas envisioned by the classical logic of concepts, or the geometry of lines envisioned by classical mathematical geometries.” (Double harrumph!) in his blog  { “Across planes of consciousness, we have to live with the paradox that opposite things can be simultaneously true.”― Ram Dass. 


                       History- Idealistic expectations of how it could be.

 A great work of history, though too idealistic, almost very difficult, would be to perceive or to create a synthesis or find a synergy [  as Sherlock Holmes declares, “From a drop of water a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagra without having seen or heard of one or the other.

So, all life is a great chain, the nature of which is known whenever we are shown a link of it.”] of various factors and contextually find a relevance from  a huge cauldron consisting of a mixture many of the following:-

various events, impacts of  some great individual souls, evolutionary biology, evolutionary sociology, evolutionary changes in the march of civilization, evolutionary political trends, ideas, philosophical inquiries, psychological perception, emotional reactions, discoveries and inventions that have contributed to life enormously and the selective static or stiffness or suppleness of various religious edicts - and weave a very meaningful relationship among these or decipher a pattern of occurrence or recurrence of certain events or evolution of certain factors or emanation of certain ideas or the emergence of certain individuals as powerful personalities etc. so,

History – the unique features of human beings a combination of assets,   liabilities and a work in progress.


As Jacob Bronowski says,  “Every animal leaves traces of what it was; man alone leaves traces of what he created” and not only this human beings are much more wise as William Gladstone observes, “To comprehend a man's life, it is necessary to know not merely what he does but also what he purposely leaves undone. There is a limit to the work that can be got out of a human body or a human brain, and he is a wise man who wastes no energy on pursuits for which he is not fitted; and he is still wiser who, among the things that he can do well, chooses and resolutely follows the best.”


  History – changing narratives, telesis of terminological terrorism

What do dissent and liberal really mean at present. " Words can change their meaning right in front of you"-John Steinbeck.  Politics, political power, and political leadership are such words and so have become words like dissent, liberal and freedom.  DISSENT need not necessarily mean gross disrespect to institutions of importance and personalities holding top positions with the responsibility of maintaining the dignity of such institutions. So, referring to such persons is a synecdoche of the institution itself.  Spewing venom on anything that does not succumb to specific and selective  ideology peddling backed by groups which struts around with pomposity and presumptive inflated image appropriating terms which have a good aura like intellectual, liberal and putrefying them to suit their petrified ideology cannot be a construed as dissent or freedom of speech.  

                       DISSENT need not be merely :-



LIBERAL need not mean:-


History – a new version that humanity has created and continues to do so.

Human development as sophisticated , matured, sensible, intelligent beings who could co- habit with certain well defined and mutually agreed and accepted trade-offs for a peaceful, comfortable, happy, healthy ,and prosperous living moving with the fast developments in the world. Progressive political management, economic welfare, scientific developments, and technological progress to bring humanity together.


History- Life of all species, and humans as one among them may have to be internalized.


Life, much less history, is after all not mere chronology of existence and events; nor merely confined to topology of geographical boundaries but a meaningful topology of relationships.


Our collective maturity and mindsets need not be curtailed by calendar or politically drawn geographical boundaries but are at liberty to laterally move and make meaningful relationships at present and choose to live sanely with sense of balance and savour synergies as a species  irrespective of religious, political, historical, cultural, linguistic, regional differences.


As Anais Nin says, " We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relatives. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations”.


The world with all its species was and are always interconnected, interrelated and interdependent and that is the inevitable law of nature. It did not start when the few fancy terminologies like global village, globalization popped up. We are in a more or excessively connected world, and it is a real global village [ we may notice the telesis of terminology to manipulate -why not call it as global metro or global heaven or global city or global town- because it has to appeal to the most gullible human beings who choose to live in villages, work their hard and gawk at every new technology as if it has descended from some heaven – as portrayed in the movie ‘Gods Must be Crazy’.]


                          History- Life and real wisdom


Life is an unmapped atlas where we are not even sure whether all pieces of the jigsaw puzzles are there to create a shape and it may get its maps based on our choices, beliefs, actions, reactions, thoughts, attitudes etc., and it is our hands to make each one of these continents as great and as good as possible.


So, real wisdom may require living in the present context, practicing time-tested values with humanitarian perspectives and bequeath a livable planet, a lovable society with lovely infrastructures and improved living conditions.


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