In my humble observation in the West reason emanates out of reactions to existing events, issues, ideologies etc through doubt , questioning and analysis.
Like hoping that debating about SIN will relieve them from sin and help in leading a sinless life.
The opposite of sin in western languages even lacks a precise word because they have focused only on Sin and they msut be credited for diplomatic honest in not declaring something as sinless state.
Whereas in the East reason emanates from seeking answers to the unspecified and unknown and is done through trying to find possibilities of synergy and synthesis rather than analysis.
Besides, most of labels of reason in the west were based on politically and contextually prevailing ideologies rather than native culture.
West proceeds on prefixed premises and hyped hypotheses whereas in the East it was always exploratory, experimental and life centric philosophy of well being and regional cultural affinities often factors that are part of day to day activities and duties.
Hello mate nice poost