
Wednesday, July 24, 2019


Most technologies by themselves are a great boon.

They facilitate and ease at least some functions of life.

Most importantly, in the process they also break the barriers in many realms and destroyed the status quo of certain individual who thought certain areas of expertise is there exclusive preserve.

In fact technology has been the greatest unifier and has created immense opportunities for maximum number of people to do many things.

Unfortunately,  certain old generation of people are not comfortable with some aspects of technology; some are dissatisfied with misuse of certain technology. But technology by itself is not at fault.

Few years back I was surprised at even top institutes like Carnegie conducting seminars titled ' technology versus humankind'. I did write to them how it was indeed in bad taste.

WABI-SABI of life read the link below


​​Interpretation,  is unfortunately and definitely subjective, but when it is contextually relevant and imbued with intrinsic merits of the subjects then it has to be acknowledged.

Selective amnesia and collective indifference are the diseases spread by or through media.

Some gullible souls may succumb to this and this in turn may sour the prospects of compromising to narrative nurtured growth of and acceptance of certain ideologies.

These ideologies are further propagated through catchy slogans and multitude of brain washing techniques.

These then permeate into every aspect of social and psychological life.

Small example locally is the growth of new breed of  political parties in TN from late 60s and globally unsustainable catastrophic aspects of communism.

Brevity , elaboration , perspective

It is merely our perception and inference, along with preconceived PERSPECTIVE that presents a distorted interpretation.

I am reminded of what Sherlock Holmes declares, “From a drop of water a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other. So, all life is a great chain, the nature of which is known whenever we are shown a link of it.”

"Man exists, turns up, appears on the scene, and, only afterwards, defines himself"-Sartre

Ayn Rand seems to view it when she says "We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality." 

Even as facts Reality has immense value as John Adams says, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

Leave alone debates about truth or reality or  fact do we actually and authentically experience anything at all?  [from the etymology of the word ‘authentic’ meaning ‘author’-as we are not authors of even our experiences] .

As Oscar Wilde says, “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation”.

One of the great modern spiritual philosopher Neale Donald Walsch says, “The definition of everything depends on how you look at it. Nothing is as it seems, and the moment you change your perspective you see that. Therefore, there is no such thing as Reality; there is only the reality you create by the way you are looking at something. You are creating your reality through the use of perspective”.   

As ‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson says, “The reflection is not in the mirror but of the mirror”.

Ultimate reality or truth is as Eric  Micha’el Leventhal says, “You are here on earth to unearth who on earth you are.” 

Friday, July 12, 2019

What is Education?

              What is Education?
The very concept and culmination of the need based literacy and multitude of technical skill programs , primarily and predominately framed for various work or labor or employment related functions to help various businesses, were labeled as 'education' and hoisted on a very high pedestal of prestige and pride. 
This by itself gradually became a business called as knowledge industry with a massive aura of dignity around it and everyone was made to believe that all knowledge , understanding,  learning etc can come mostly only through this formal education.

Sentimental sensitivity curtails the scope for compatibility

Sentimental sensitivity curtails the scope for compatibility

As a general rule in many realms trying to either collate and/ or extrapolate , more so, exhibit or manifest one's obsession to any particular/ specific ideology or identity or emotional attachment or sentimental sensitivity ( though these are really humane and sometimes culturally nurtured-which almost become our second nature are inevitable aspects of life ) with realms like laws, rules and regulations, corporate activities etc ( which need not and do not factor in any of those variables of individual or personal or group psychology) mess up everything.

They neither satisfy the sentiments nor accept the rules.

In business and sports these create greater difficulty.