
Friday, December 22, 2017

Happy New Year 2018

Wishing you all A Very Happy New Year 2018 in 18 pages , a different note and narration , some recapitualtion of  old stories but would make, hopefully a nice journey of sorts. I have not delved into any subject in detail or specifically . However, everything is for every avid seeker of knowledge, information and those who have an hunger to grasp facts and reality as they present themselves and decipher them to understand life as a whole.

1] The above picture Courtesy from : The Origin of (Almost) Everything is a visualized science book that explains the origin of (almost) everything, like dark matter Jennifer Daniel/Nicholas Brealey.
Wonderful book not to be missed, “Graham Lawton in his new book, The Origin of (Almost) Everything, worked with designer Jennifer Daniel to unravel dozens of life’s biggest mysteries. Lawton crafts the narration while Daniel handles the infographics. Together they’re able to answer nagging questions that have inspired centuries of scientific inquiry’The Origin of Just About Everything, Visualized]

“In the end nothing less than the whole of everything can be the truth of anything at all”- William James

 Writing and reading are activities that go together

On doit tout faire pour écrire ce qu'on ne peut pas écrire. Hélène Cixous

On devrait inventer le verbe éclire

2] I have the habit of writing something really ‘new’ every year for the New Year.

Sometimes it is too long that people just acknowledge having received it, seen it, mostly not read, because had they read it they may have blocked me.

If time permits I would like to revisit the journey of the past 365 days exclusively through some select books and articles that I have read both physically and also [mostly] electronically.

3] The purpose is not to give an account of what I have read, it is a suggestion that those who find time and inclination may do so and benefit from reading from those sources.

There is some amount of inherent contradiction is usage of internet where people spend hours and hours sharing sensational and scandalous political events or celebrity gossips along with repetitive religious materials, there is nothing wrong in any of them and I am not sitting on judgment on any of them either but when suggested to go beyond this radar of just forwarding and recycling the same/similar stuff, most of which feeds on to our confirmation bias, social sermons [mostly meant for others] and all these comforts us psychologically- so far so good, people normally say that they do not have time to read.

This is typical of all escapists’ non-committal cautiousness not to disturb their confirmation bias, and comfort zones.

However, if we notice it and honestly evaluate the above activities it is a unique contraction of excessive usages and traffic but actually underutilization of the medium of internet as most of the material is a reloading and relocating.

But when given something new or different to read, to reason, to rethink, to review and to replenish the intellectual perspective there is a frequent excuse of lack of time.

This contraction is typical of what Susan Ertz writes, "Millions long for immortality who don't know what to do on a rainy Sunday afternoon."

4] So, I mention here some sources because in this vast world of internet which is a highly crowded place with various things catering to the tastes of many which prevents any single sieve/filter to narrow down and select items of things that may be of specific interest to some irrespective of all the tall claims of many specific and targeted search options.

5] Some of these sources offer a wide variety of worthy content presented in wonderful communication tools of verbal expressions, marvelous maps and beautiful data charts.

What I have come across and still what I have narrowed down to present here is, of course, a tiny portion of vast and varied such similar or other wonderful resources out there.

6] Unless we ourselves, consciously start either expanding the radius of radar of our view or accept opinions even tangentially beyond the circle of our radar then we may be giving room to neo-homogenizing and institutionalizing control freaks who may clandestinely mold our opinion like what most of the mass opinion molders do with catchy statements like these, “vast and intimidating repository of unindexed confusion. Into this creative chaos we are coming up with a dazzling mission—“To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible”

They will do this with highly empowered tools of multipronged propaganda mechanisms to ensure a social engineering to suit their agenda of homogenization.

7] The chief among them being described in the book “More Damned Lies and Statistics [though mathematical models can define as well as decipher many domains of activities].


However, there is also lot of truth in what Joel Best says in his book,


How Numbers Confuse Public Issues by Joel Best (Author)

“Best identifies different sorts of numbers that shape how we think about public issues: missing numbers are relevant but overlooked; confusing numbers bewilder when they should inform; scary numbers play to our fears about the present and the future; authoritative numbers demand respect they don’t deserve; magical numbers promise unrealistic, simple solutions to complex problems; and contentious numbers become the focus of data duels and statistical  wars. The author's use of pertinent, socially important examples documents the life-altering consequences of understanding or misunderstanding statistical information. He demystifies statistical measures by explaining in straightforward prose how decisions are made about what to count and what not to count, what assumptions get made, and which figures are brought to our attention. 

Best identifies different sorts of numbers that shape how we think about public issues. Entertaining, enlightening, and very timely, this book offers a basis for critical thinking about the numbers we encounter and a reminder that when it comes to the news, people count—in more ways than one.”

8] There are some sites that vye with one another for the top slot.

Even , if I don’t act like a lumber jack editor, who chops ,sometimes strips most of the content to make it too brief , I am forced to limit myself to a few to ensure at least partial attention by readers of the present times who prefer ‘Memes’ ‘Tweets’ ‘Sms’ etc.

Chief among them are [ for their varied topics in socio-economic realms and wonderful maps, charts and data analysis which enable us to grasp the wide bandwidth of a subject in a jiffy] ;the long reads from The guardian like for the in depth insight into the subjects which allow the subject to seep deep and linger long into our mind that they get etched in our memory for long [some samples given item 44] ;of course the ever reliable BBC especially its and many more.

9] Being a bibliophile [lover of books] and also more a lexophile [lover of words] with a crazy obsession for words, etymology and all nuances of verbal expressions, evolving new trends and nuances in linguistics I would be failing in my duty towards my own consciousness if I do not acknowledge the immense work and innumerable research and advances that are going around in many languages.

Because of my limited knowledge of only a few languages I would also like to place on record some latest developments as well as some irresistible but less talked about unique works in the domain of linguistic devices and word development.

The most exhaustive multi-lingual lexicon on google platform wherein my wonderful and scholarly Romanian friend Lucian Velea who motivates me to write certain things has his blog and many works of Steven Pinker , David Crystal [a great linguist David Crystal in his books WORD,WORDS, WORDS and THE STORIES OF ENGLISH. Here I would like to reproduce some bits of information like these words science, conscience and shit all had originally common etymology. I thought for a longtime that the Britishers were obsessed with sex that’s why they have named their places like Essex, Sussex , Wessex, Middlesex etc but I learnt that they  refer to only Saxons occupying different directions with varying dialects. David crystal writes,  “It remains a lexicological puzzle why some words were accepted and some rejected. Wedo not know how to account for the linguistic ‘survival of the fittest’. Both impede and expede were introduced during the same period as well as disabuse and disadorn, but in each of these pairs the first item stayed in the language and the second did not”.], John Simpson [ .

10] Of course one of the old but best possible palindrome in the world written a few years ago in Sanskrit the best palindrome in the world is in Sanskrit language in the book raghavayadaveeyam see link you can download pdf format

[In this book if you read the sixty couplet slokas from beginning to end you get the biography of  Lord Rama and when you read the same 60 slokas backwards you get the biography of Lord Krishna]

11] Many articles in

Especially the transformation maps wherein they briefly present the vital issues that need to be addressed.

I have shared and commented on many issues in this forum

12] Every social evolution or society has many things which may be similar

"This study shows how the sciences and humanities, which have not always seen eye-to-eye, can actually work together effectively to uncover general rules that have shaped human history."

13]  The following link talks about various issues , mostly connected with education –its various dimensions and contextually relevant perceptions about the necessity to create a world of literate masses and I too I have made many suggestions there.

There too I have contributed some articles

and a comment here

15] The most exhaustive multi-lingual lexicon on google platform my wonderful and scholarly Romanian friend Lucian Velea who motivates me to write certain things has his blog

16] The emerging complications and complexities of global governance

17] When women seem to know /see more colours or a huge spectrum of shades of single color men definitely feel defeated and the textile shop owners turn richer have you wondered why?

[interview conducted by Lucian velea for miratico]

18] The tragedy of google books

19] What happens behind the computer screens?

20] Crows can recognize you in the crowd what?

21] From Bartleby, the Scrivener a wonderful short story by Herman Melville later on made into an excellent movie by US film makers the battle of or with CLERKS continues in Britain

22] What Can a Historian Reveal About Positive Psychology?

23] “Humans are fragile, capable of much on all ends of the moral spectrum”―Dr. Brandon Ogbunu

Shared identity plays an important role

24] Can one practice to counteract the gravitational pull of confirmation bias.

25] Margin of safety matters in many things

26] “I think consciousness comes in different flavors,” agrees Mather. “Some may have consciousness in a way we may not be able to imagine.”

27] Certain circumstances and crowd can push away individual sanity even in very sane men

28] Nudging is about how choices are presented, what we call choice architecture. By altering what is the default option, people’s choices will change. So it all comes down to communication,” 

29] Being situated in present realities is more vital for a leader in any realm

30] Sweet as sugar

First sentence: What if Roald Dahl and Michael Pollan are right, that the taste of sugar on the tongue can be a kind of intoxication? Doesn't it suggest the possibility that sugar itself is an intoxicant, a drug? Imagine a drug that can intoxicate us, can infuse us with energy, and can do so when taken by mouth. It doesn't have to be injected, smoked, or snorted for us to experience its sublime and soothing effects. Imagine that it mixes well with virtually every food and particularly liquids, and that when given to infants it provokes a feeling of pleasure so profound that intense that its pursuit becomes a driving force throughout their lives.

31] Inter cultural milieu of children

First sentence: This is me. Italy. My name is Romeo, and I'm called "Meo." I'm eight years old. Japan. My name is Kei, and I'm called "Kei-chan." I'm nine years old. Uganda. My name is Daphine, and I'm called "Abwooli." I'm seven years old. Russia. My name is Oleg, and I'm called "Olezhka." I'm eight years old. Peru. My name is Ribaldo, and I'm called "Pirineo." I'm eleven years old. India. My name is Ananya, and I'm called "Anu." I'm eight years old. Iran. My name is Kian. I'm seven years old.

32] Negotiating with Giants Paperback – February 10, 2012

by Peter D. Johnston  (Author)

Wonderful book with case studies and samples

one may read the reviews here

33] Good mixture of some simple articles

34] A list from Bloomberg

35] Both content and language are good in this site though sometimes opinions may be one sided

Jean d'Ormesson illustrated that change in at least three ways. The French language that he loved had become less important; it was hard to challenge English as the dominant language in the world. Similarly, Europe was no longer the center of world affairs, nor was France the first country in Europe that had become less important, though it was wrong to talk about decline all the time.
As a result of the weakness of European countries, populism had advanced in some of them. He insisted that culture goes together with a flourishing economy and military power. Yet, though Africa was advancing, Europe must be praised and safeguarded; it had succeeded in forming a single currency and preventing war among its members.

36] Undoubtedly a great source for nature and environment based articles

37] Though predominantly leftist in political approach, some of the articles on non political subjects and by those who do not live in cages of political ideology or obsessed with extrapolating everything according to some political ideology are good

38] Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst by Robert M. Sapolsky

“Sapolsky argues that our inborn propensity to notice difference in others and be wary of those we don’t recognize as part of our “tribe” is the product of brain chemistry that evolved to keep us safe from strangers. Yet this response is highly influenced by how we are raised, the people we are exposed to, and the things we are taught, showing how social factors impact us—even at the neural level.
The book helps explain power dynamics, political lying, social comparisons, and social hierarchies, among other phenomena. By uncovering the mechanisms behind them, Sapolsky also offers a way forward that includes treating people as individuals, emphasizing what we have in common, and perspective taking, and fostering equality in the pursuit of shared goals. His book is a call to all of us to understand how our brains lead us astray and to use that knowledge to bring out the best in ourselves”.

39] A very sad story of nature about CHAD
40] Diamond how it drives on the delicate human vulnerabilities
41] World’s most beautiful road
Almost every story of is unique and maintains a very level of originality and pleasant presentations

This particular link is personally special to me because I happen to travel all the way in this most beautiful road in the world

and articles like
The Only Person in the World Who Can Weave Sea Silk-meet This Italian Artist

42] Power of real Stories
43] Intricacies of content marketing

44] It is just not tad too much of an affection it dad too dear


52] Of course the daily dose from

53] Excellent site for books from many languages

54] The worldwide catalog of library resources

55] Social Engineering preferably and ultimately must deliver a wisdom that enhances life of every species.

56] One of the previous year’s New Year message I wrote the following to inject real sense of newness through a realization of reality. It is very long write up with many links but then those who read it , I am sure would come out both more exhausted and enlightened

Best wishes and regards


The greatest mistakes in our relationships, overall perceptions and evaluations are because we read three fourths, listen half, understand quarter, think zero and are indifferent to the impact of our actions, reactions, thoughts and words on humanity and the environment.

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