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Sunday, August 20, 2023

Thoughts about food and some food for thoughts.


When sharing some thoughts about food there emerged some food for thoughts.

All of us by instinct are ambivalent about the quantum of importance given to micro details and macro views because our tastes and thoughts are subjective; our intellectual perceptions have lot of limitations and the addition of our prejudices, emotional and psychological biases, conditionings of all hues and colours emanating from ideologies, religions, cultures, traditions, social pressures and so on create a heady mix of a cocktail that gives heavy kick wherein all these *happen.

These vary from topic to topic, event to event, person to person, domain to domain, situation to situation, items to items and manifest in varying degrees and intensities.


Attitudes get adamant and adulterated,

Beliefs get blinkered,

Cooperation gets clouded,

Details get dimmed,

Evaluations get entangled,

Faiths get flummoxed,

Guileless gracefulness gets into glamorous gymnastics,

High standards get high jacked by hypocrisy and hidden agenda,

Institutions’ importance gets ignored,

Judgements get jeopardised through justifications,

Kindness gets kicked out by kludge and kerfuffle,

Love gets locked up in lacklustre relationships,

Modesty gets mauled by manipulative mind-sets,

Nice nuances get neglected,

Optimism gets oppressed by opportunistic overtures,

Peace gets pilloried by power mongers,

Questions get quarantined as quarrels,

Rationalism gets restrained by restrictive reasoning,

Synergy gets side-lined by selective sensationalisms,

Tolerance gets treated as timidity,

Understanding gets underestimated by utopia sponsors,

Values gets vilified by vacillating virtue signallers,

Wisdom gets weighed down by wealth generation,

Xenophilia gets xferred by xenophobic nationalistic posturing,

Youth get yoked by trends and trade-offs,

Zeal gets zombified by critics.



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