
Monday, December 5, 2011


Do you want genius, money, fame and fortune or an extended life?
You can easily achieve anything you want, when you learn this priceless skill.
Almost no one uses it, but those who do always enjoy a better, easier life.
Did you know there is a secret science to Total Relaxation?
You can do it anywhere, anytime – in minutes… or seconds with practice.
Imagine all your stress melting away in a single moment of bliss – no matter where you are, or what you’re doing. It only takes a few seconds to completely change your situation and get a better result.
Even if you’re stuck in rush-hour traffic… just burned your left hand on the oven…
missed your emergency meeting for the 3rd time… you can learn to relax anywhere, at any time, easily.
Here’s one of my favorite methods for instant, total relaxation:
Now take a long deep breath and hold it for a few seconds.
As you exhale this breath, allow your eyes to close and let go of the surface tension in your body.
Just let your body relax as much as possible right now. Place your awareness on your eye muscles and relax the muscles around your eyes to the point they just won’t work. When you’re sure they’re so relaxed that as long as you hold on to this relaxation, they just won’t work, hold onto that relaxation and test them to make sure THEY WON’T WORK.
Now, this relaxation you have in your eyes is the same quality of relaxation you can have throughout your whole body. So, just let this quality of relaxation flow through your whole body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.
Now, we can deepen this relaxation much more.
In a moment, you’re going to open and close your eyes.
When you close your eyes, that’s your signal to let this feeling of relaxation become 10 times deeper.
All you have to do is want it to happen and you can make it happen very easily.
Ok, now, open your eyes… now close your eyes and feel that relaxation flowing through your entire body, taking you much deeper. Use your wonderful imagination and imagine your whole body is covered and wrapped in a warm blanket of relaxation.
Now, we can deepen this relaxation much more.
In a moment, you’re going to open and close your eyes one more time.
Again, when you close your eyes, double the relaxation you now have.
Make it become twice as deep.
Ok, now once more, open your eyes…close your eyes and double your relaxation.
Let every muscle in your body become so relaxed that as long as you hold on to this quality of relaxation, every muscle of your body will not work.
In a moment, you’re going to open and close your eyes one more time.
Again, when you close your eyes, double the relaxation you now have.
Make it become twice as deep.
Ok, now once more open your eyes…close your eyes and double your relaxation.
Let every muscle in your body become so relaxed that as long as you hold on to this quality of relaxation, every muscle of your body will not work.
And now, open your eyes…
Notice How You Feel
Ask yourself, “do I feel more, or less relaxed than before?”
Always take notice of how you feel before, during and after you do anything.
The reason why is obvious, you want to be able to tell if what you’re doing is working.
Many people try many techniques and often claim they don’t work, without ever learning how to notice if they’re working or not. A small secret of creating change is noticing any change taking place within your body or mind that seems different from before. Once the mind locks onto a small change, or shift within the atmosphere (ANY change) it can pull you into a complete experience of that change.
For instance, noticing a small shift in your level of relaxation is more than enough to trigger total relaxation through your commanded intent… which opens the mind to accept new programming.
When you relax, you become more receptive.
And this receptive state is where all mental magic happens. Once you access it (with conscious intent), it becomes easier and easier each time you want it.
Soon, you’ll be able to relax in an instant, just by giving attention to the relaxed feeling around your eyes… noticing how they’re relaxing to the point they won’t work, and gently flowing that feeling of total relaxation throughout your body. That’s all it takes to enter this receptive state in seconds.
This is referred to as the “alpha” brainwave state. It is in the alpha state that mental miracles can happen which are otherwise not possible.
You can imagine brainwave states as gateways to different realms of your consciousness. It isn’t hard to begin playing with this, by practicing going to alpha.
It’s the first state beyond normal waking beta, and easiest to access.
The Alpha state occurs when your brainwaves reach 8-12 cycles per second of activity.
You slip in and out of this state multiple times per day, you just weren’t conscious of it.
Which means, your conscious awareness went elsewhere.
Use the technique described above to go into alpha on purpose.
From alpha, deeper and more profound states can be explored and enjoyed.

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