
Saturday, December 3, 2011



By Dr. Satyavati Kandala

Faith is very essential to express Divinity. Where there is Faith, there is Love. Where there is Love there is Peace. Where there is Peace there is Truth. Where there is Truth there is Divinity. In the final verse of the Guru Gita Lord Shiva says to Parvati that he will tell her a Secret Mantra. Parvati becomes very alert and wonders which Mantra she will learn. With this Mantra one can cross the ocean the world, and get liberated. This Mantra quickly gives success in life.

What is this Mantra?

It is GURU - This word is a Mantra. This beautiful Mantra is given in the concluding verse of GURU GITA. It emphasizes that Guru is God

Brahmanandam parama sukhadam kevalam jnanamurtim

dvandvaateetam gagana sadrusam tatvamasyadi lakshyam

ekam nityam vimala machalam sarvadheesaakshibuutam

bhaavaateetam triguna rahitam sadgurum tam namaami.

Word by word meaning:

01. Brahmanandam = (He who is the source of) the eternal bliss (Brahma is derived from the

02. Parama sukhadam= (the source of) supreme happiness

03. kevalam jnana murtim = total personification of wisdom (Advaita darshanam jnanam means experience of non-duality is true wisdom.

04. dvandvaateetam =(who is ) beyond the dualities of this material world such as happiness & sorrow, good & bad merit & demerit etc.,)

05. gagana sadrusham = (who is) as infinite as sky (formless)

06. tatvamasyadi lakshyam. = Whose attention is always on the divine (who is the sole aspiration and goal of life)

07. ekam = Guru is one (who is unique)

08. nityam = eternal

09. vimalam = pure

10. achalam = stead

11. sarva dhee saakshi bhuutam = witness (saakshi) in consciousness (dhee) in all beings

(sarva bhuutam) (Who sees with the eyes of wisdom)

12. bhaavaateetam = who is beyond emotions& thoughts

13. triguna rahitam =beyond the three gunas (binding aspects of our nature) satva, rajas and

tamo guna.

14. sadgurum tam namaami = I salute (namaami) to that(tam) Sadguru (Great Master)

"I salute to that Sadguru who is the source of eternal bliss,

supreme happiness, who has true wisdom,

who is beyond the dualities, who is infinite,

whose attention is always on the divine, who is unique,

eternal, pure, steady, and who sees with the eyes of wisdom

who is beyond thoughts and beyond three gunas ".

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