
Monday, December 5, 2011

Dating of the Mahabharat ...

An opinion on Dr. Vartak's Dating of the Mahabharat ...
I had earlier mentioned that the Mahabharat War initiated on the 16th
October 5561 B.C, i.e., approximately 7500 years since today. The
Vedas have been mentioned in the Mahabharat (as well as in the
Ramayan), the Yogic sciences were also prevelant at that time, .. it
follows that the Saunskrut language was also known, mathematics was
quite advanced as astronomical positions were used to record events.

It is probable that the entire chronology of Indian History, which
basically has been built upon the dates stated by Western scholars,
needs to be re-evaluated based upon the current archaeological find-
ings, astronomical calculations etc. Gautam Buddha who is mentioned
to have existed around 580 B.C may go further beyond to 1800 B.C!
Mahaveer Jain before that.....the instituion of Shankaryacharya could
pre-date Christ and so on and so forth!

Dr. P. V. Vartak has done a commendable job calculating the date of
the Mahabharat War. Here-under produced is an opinion on his work.

The Correct Date of the Mahabharat War
By Wrangler G. L. Chandratreya
Quite a number of efforts have been made by various scholars to find
the date of the Mahabharat War. Various methods have been used, using
historical references in the Puranas, language conditions,
archaeolog-ical findings etc. A few have used astronomical methods to
determine the time of Mahabharat. It is possible to determine the
date of an astronomical reference by considering the movements of
planets includ-ing the Sun and the Moon in the various constellations
of the sky, the movement of the Earth with its axis inclined to the
ecliptic and the precession and nutation of this axis as well as the
seasonal changes refered to in the text

I had the pleasure of going through the work done by Dr. P. V.
Vartak, "The Scientific Dating of the Mahabharat War" and I find it
very interesting. The astronomical references in the Mahabharat have
been gone through carefully and the positions of the planets Saturn,
Jupiter etc. in the constellations are finalized by properly under-
standing the distribution of the Sayan and Nirayan systems. This has
been done by considering the references from the view point of con-
sistency. A particular period has been obtained from the references
to various dynasties to Kings, accounts to writings of foreign
visitors to India and the references in those countries in this
connection like Greece, Egypt and Persia.

The periods of the various planets being known, have been used to
find the positions of the planets, including Rahu and Ketu in the
constellation of the sky by mathematical method. These positions
agree with those in the Mahabharat text. The agreement cannot be by
chance and so it is reasonable to argue that the date of the
Mahabharat War is as given by Dr. P. V Vartak, i.e., 16th October
5561 year B.C.

The seasonal references to various incidents in the Mahabharat are
investigated and they also agree with the calculations of the exact
dates during the period mentioned. The Tropical year and the Sideral
year have been used for verifying these dates. Thus the references to
the Equinoxes and the Solstices (Aayans) have also been accounted

I am unable to say if all the references (astronomical) have been
taken into account. But it is quite reasonable to to conclude that
the dates as obtained by Dr. P. V. Vartak are correct. It has been
shown that the other dates are inconsistent with the references.

Additional efforts will have to be put in by calculating the
positions of the planets at some other times and verifying the
methods used. It is possible to find the dates of other works,
medieval and ancient, and verifying these with the actuals as known
to us. It will also be useful to determine the changes in the seasons
mentioned and comparing to the period mentioned by applying the
principle of the two systems of calender - Solar and Luni-Solar and
calculating the difference due to the precession of earth's axis.

All in all, it is possible to state that the dates derived by Dr.
Var-tak are more correct than the various other dates propounded by
other workers in the field who have been carried over by the
statements made by Western scholars. They have been prejudiced
against the richness of the Indian Civilization in the past and have
always tried to attribute much later dates and consequently denigrate
the glorious past of India.

women� e t � ��� ; killing them
in the blast. The Government was enraged. In his editorial published
in 'Kesari', Tilak expressed his dislike towards such terrorist
activities but argued that Government's suppression policy was
responsible for building up such radical attitude. Five very strong
articles against the Government were published in 'Kesari' in
connection with the bomb blast and Lokmanya was arrested on 24th June
1908 for sedition.
Tilak believed in journalism as a right to form public opinion
Lokmanya argued in the Court for 21 hours and 10 minutes against the
charges of treason leveled against him. He clarified that the
newspapers have a right to form public opinion and it is the duty of
a newspaper to bring to the notice of the Government the nature of
powers created in the political life of a country and warn against
such powers and he argued that he had not committed treason.

Tilak's journalism based in his belief in God
The speech given by Tilak in the High Court was not an intellectual
exercise to protect self but it showed his extra-ordinary qualities
like his rationality in thinking, deep study of law, his love for the
nation and his readiness to go through any punishment for his
principles. All those who heard him pleading his case, experienced
his nobility. Tilak was extremely calm at that time. He was looking
at his future with the stance of an observer. As the jury declared
him 'guilty', Judge Davar asked Tilak whether he wanted to say
something. Tilak got up and said, "I am not an offender or guilty let
the jury decide anything. There is a supreme power than this Court
which controls worldly matters. It could be God's wish that I get
punishment so as to boost the mission that I have undertaken."

His philosophy towards life was like his philosophy towards politics.
He believed in unarmed movement along with armed revolution. We offer
our humble regards to this principled leader who had firm belief in
his ideals and who fought for his country throughout his life till
his last breath!

Views of Lokmanya Tilak published in the weekly periodical 'Kesari'
advocating that the strength of people's opinion is in their resolve!

It is the duty of the leaders to create awareness among people and
help to form their opinion. If, however, the Government tramples such
awakened opinion of the citizens, what is the use of such awareness?
How the sea-waves hit a mountain near its coast and return with same
force, so is the condition of opinion of our people. One has to hold
one's nose to open mouth and if we are not going to do anything that
would be disliked by the Government, the suppression will never end.
The Government is humiliating people's opinion like blades of grass.
These blades of grass should be united to form a strong rope.
Hundreds and thousands of people should connect with the same resolve
as the strength of people's opinion is not just in collection but in
their resolve.

Ref: 'Kesari', 15th August 1905)

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